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Bracket & Tournament website entry

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 20 2022 9:56 AM (2 replies)
  • KEV1075
    10 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2022 8:04 AM

    After the March update, we were forced to tee off immediately when entering a club, bracket or other tournament. The work around for this was entering tournaments from the website. As of this morning, I’m no longer able to enter tournaments from the website. The photo below shows what I’m talking about. I click enter tournament and it just sits there without ever progressing to the next page. All other website pages work fine and internet service isn’t an issue.

    Is this a personal error or something others are experiencing as well?

    If the latter, was this an intended change by WGT?

    If intended, what purpose does it serve to force immediate tee off? 

  • SamSpayed
    5,044 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2022 9:01 AM


    As of this morning, I’m no longer able to enter tournaments from the website. The photo below shows what I’m talking about. I click enter tournament and it just sits there without ever progressing to the next page. 

    Is this a personal error or something others are experiencing as well?

    It works for me, but it's extremely slow.  Takes about 30 secs each for the ENTER NOW and CONFIRM ENTRY screens.  Looks like an issue on WGT's end.  Other web sites load instantaneously, like you said.

  • WGTNico
    719 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2022 9:56 AM

    Yep, seems an issue on our end. We actually already opened up a ticket on it this morning to try and fix it.