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CC Tournament Leaderboards

Tue, Oct 31 2023 10:47 AM (5 replies)
  • CharlieH100
    294 Posts
    Sat, Oct 28 2023 2:08 PM

    It could be I/we are doing something wrong but ....  since the last update CC tournament leaderboards have been screwed up. They appear, partially (only recording players who have completed rounds, disappear again never to return, don't tally across from PC to App and don;'t tally with players' score histories. Any ideas? I raised it with WGT a few days ago and received the anodyne 'thanks, we've passed it on" 



  • Rick6208
    2,294 Posts
    Sun, Oct 29 2023 6:27 AM

    Yeah, same problem with our Club tournament leaderboard !

  • HalHoff
    895 Posts
    Sun, Oct 29 2023 6:28 AM

    We cannot see club tourney leaderboards unless you personally have played in the tourney. Sometimes you can’t see it even if you have played in it. (Mobile and from the website).

    ‘For those that run in club events, this glitch is a serious issue that needs attention. Started with the most recent update.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Sun, Oct 29 2023 9:29 PM


    It could be I/we are doing something wrong but ....  since the last update CC tournament leaderboards have been screwed up. 

    I might be wrong, but it sounds like it may be the same problem I saw with a Ready Go tourney that started before the update. 41 scores were posted before the update, but I had not played and the tourney was not over. After the update, only those original 41 scores showed up. However, my score did still count, and I even won and received the credits for the win. It just doesn't show on the leaderboard. 

    Have you had that problem with any tourneys that started after the update?

    This is the RG leaderboard I am talking about. Notice that the top payout shows as 129 credits. I actually got the 300 credits for the win. It just doesn't show.

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2023 8:37 AM

    I too have seen various incorrect leaderboards since the update.  No consistency as to which players show up and which don't.

    This is the RG leaderboard I am talking about. Notice that the top payout shows as 129 credits. I actually got the 300 credits for the win. It just doesn't show.

    Strangely I see the whole leaderboard:

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2023 10:47 AM


    Strangely I see the whole leaderboard:

    I checked after I saw your post, and I can see it now too. It looks like they must have fixed it. Hopefully other leaderboard issues have been fixed as well.