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No more Pro's

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Wed, May 19 2010 10:11 AM (10 replies)
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  • Ribrown3rd
    38 Posts
    Fri, May 14 2010 5:42 PM

    Time to vent,So i'm playing a pro in match play challenge,he's matching me shot for shot,he can obviously shoot low 30's no problem,i have to Eagle #1 on the back of SA to win 1up....afterwards i look at his profile,ready go's he shoots ummmm low 30's,then there are ranked games in high 40's obviously to keep him at the pro level!....his over 1000 match play games confirms my thoughts,too bad people go to this extreme to win..I assumed this goes on,but the thought of being hustled irked me! more pro's for me,step up to the BIG BOY tee's and come see me!!!.Just needed to vent....Happy golfing my fellow Masters!

  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Sat, May 15 2010 10:23 PM

    I haven't delved into the ready-gos or match plays yet but this proves it's a good reason to check out a person's stats before playing them when there are credits on the line! Sounds like you find yourself a "master" sandbagger.

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Sat, May 15 2010 10:57 PM

    There out there LOL, being in beta I'm sure in the future they will develope a program to prevent that from happening. Until then never hit the accept button unless you are prepared to give up your loot. :(

  • kissfanpdx
    84 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2010 1:30 PM

    i havent run into that and i play a lot of challenges

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2010 2:02 PM

    kissfan, you are lucky then.  Ribrown, posted something on your wall regarding our friend who I knew right off the bat before even looking at your history.  Do you and your friends a favor, create a list and send to all your friends.  Or post it on your wall as a reminder to self.  I know we cant out these people on the forums, but obvious sandbagging is having a ready go and important tourney average 7 strokes better then regular ranked round average.  This guy you are speaking of sucks.  And his alleged multi account made master by accident, then picked up his clubs like twice over the next 2 months. 

  • kissfanpdx
    84 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2010 7:47 PM

    Just because i havn't run into it yet, doesn't mean it doesn't exist for sure. I will be the first condem any form of cheating on this great site, it ruins it for all of us. But i have to say, no offense to you guys, but you are master level players, with low averages, you guys cant beat any player on this site at any given time, im guessing its more principal than anything, which i can fully understand.  They talk about having a handicap system, I would LOVE to know how thats going to work, i just cant imagine with the talk now of people padding their averages , multiple accounts and so on, that a handicap is going to do anything good for this game. but we will see.  ...I really don't have time to worry about this anyway, im saving for that mazzerattie, i had to buy some balls today so it set me back a little bit, but im still hopefull......but seriously, if i ever run into anything like what your talking about i will not be silent about it thats for sure, these guys need to be hung by there nads.....

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2010 8:13 PM







    Kissfan... what?!  You used up all your balls?  Are you inaccurate, or what?!  :)






  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2010 8:45 PM

    As with any community, you have bottom to top, along with scum. Because they are scum, with the desire to remain as such, they continue as such. They do not know of other options and remain as they should be. 

  • lilrob88
    870 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2010 9:57 PM

    I see a ton of that

    always fun to put them in their place

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2010 5:33 AM

    always fun to put them in their place
    :(  I wish I could do that... they just run away screaming.....

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