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Re: penalty for quitting

Tue, Jun 1 2010 11:35 PM (63 replies)
  • TarheelsRule
    5,595 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 1:10 PM

    I agree with Snaike, there is no attempt to protect your rank, you can't lose it.  I rarely quit as a master, scoring average means nothing in this game, there is not handicap tournaments.  If I quit it is because I have been called away or my computer boots me off.  I dont think there is any way to penalized people who quit other than not playing with them.

  • usw1748
    14 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 2:26 PM


    There is a way to prevent quitters. Have a ranking system for people that complete rounds versus people that quit all of the time. That way we would know who to play with.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 3:03 PM

    There is a way to prevent quitters. Have a ranking system for people that complete rounds versus people that quit all of the time. That way we would know who to play with.
    Knowing who to play with does not prevent quitters... sorry.

    It prevents YOU from playing with people who MIGHT quit, but it won't prevent someone from quitting... Just another number for the geeks to decline games with.

    Join the ladders, golfseekers, etc...  ~that's~ the only way to prevent quitting.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 3:13 PM
  • skeptical
    62 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 8:09 PM

    I have been reading comments about the quitters issue all over the forums and found that the best solution would be to force players that start a ranked game to finish it if they don' t want a bad score. Period.

    What' s wrong with this solution? Something is got to be wrong with it because only rare posts contemplate it. Nor the official wgt solutions do.

    So what am i missing?

    If you need a warmup round and/or you are not sure you can play all the holes, just play in practise mode!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 6:32 AM

    Funny.....I thought we lost him to the dark side with THIS one.

    LOL-Not even-that's his basic "I believe what I see in front of me" take. Wouldn't be snaike if it was a glowing testimony to the latest "improvements" without a diatribe! Heh-always with the feet to the fire thing...............

    @skeptical. A lot of players never go near the forums, let alone read them. I would be surprised if most of the regular quitters even realize the flap it causes. Until WGT has something concrete in place, whether it be reputation tracking or whatever, quitting will always be a nuisance. 

  • skeptical
    62 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 9:49 AM


    @skeptical. A lot of players never go near the forums, let alone read them. I would be surprised if most of the regular quitters even realize the flap it causes. Until WGT has something concrete in place, whether it be reputation tracking or whatever, quitting will always be a nuisance. 

    Uhmm... Maybe i badly explained. So sorry.

    What i tried to say is:

    Reading other player's suggestions on other threads about this issue, I found that the best solution would be:

    - to force players finish their multiplayer ranked games


    - they don't want a bad score. Period.

    Obviously, this solution should be set so that the last player that disconnects (the ultimate victime) is not forced to finish it.

    I would set this solution also for singleplayer ranked games, because i think that ranked mode should reasonably be opposite to practice mode. Whatever, singleplayer games is not what we are talking about here now. What we are disputing here i understand, is the way to reasonably and considerably decrease the number of multigames quitters avoiding removing the liberty to quit without affecting the score. Right?

    So this simple solution would do both:

    - concerned about the score, many quitters would stop quitting, because they (me too) will think a little bit more before joining/starting a ranked game for the sake of it


    - you are still free to play multigames and quit without worrying about your score because you can still play in practice mode!

    Now, wouldn't this be the best solution?

    As above said, i have read many suggestions to fix this issue, but only rare posts contemplate this solution. Nor wgt contemplates it. This is why i am asking "what is wrong with it?". "What am i missing?".

    It looks that the most likely solutions to be implemented are:

    1st- reputation system

    2nd- fee

    First sounds good and looks like what is going to really be implemented as it is already available in game. However, i am uncertain it will work good as the solution i have stated. Basically because i think so many players don't care about a reputation indicator as they do about their score.

    Second solution has been taken in consideration because it is wrote in the sticky thread "Player Suggestion List" of this forum section, but it simply sounds bad. Because the so popular free way to play multigames would die. And not to mention that players with enough money will keep on disconnecting..

    This is like fishing with an RPG.

    Instead of spending time and money on a reputation system, use it to expand the replay number limit. Make it possible to save a replay in multiplayer. Introduce a different time limit and new courses. Fix the glitches. Fix the freeze on disconnections. Listen to the community.

    Long post sorry, but i think it is clearer now. Thanks for reading.


  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 10:12 AM

    Question.What if all players agree to quit because the site is acting up messing up shot do to the meter jumping ??? Should all be sadle wiped..

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 10:35 AM

    Funny!  Yes, if all 1.5 million golfers quit at once the courses would be wide open for me to play without waiting in the fairway for slower players to clear the green, fill out their scorecards, buy that beer off the cart.  And the meter would probably be perfectly smooth.

    If all 1,499,999 of you would email me and let me know when you're quitting en masse I'd be most appreciative.

  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 10:39 AM

    I did not mean WGT Just the group games.There have been a few times I played a 3some,And the meter had us all flipping we all agread to quit the round