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Re: putting formula on tournament greens

Mon, Aug 2 2021 12:44 PM (42 replies)
  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 1:24 AM

    Formulas never work well because putting is not a linear function. You cannot short a shot by a percentage. Anyaway in  first approximation decrease by 25% is a reasonable basis for medium shots (10-15) on tournament12 greens, a little bit less for shorters putt, a little more for longers.

  • bdoherty
    32 Posts
    Tue, Jul 15 2014 5:39 PM

    Formulas never work

    Except that this a computer game based on formula riddled code, breaking that code will produce a winning formula.... 

    Seriously, this has been a great discussion full of information on getting those long putts closer to the hole. Very Helpful.  I do agree with alberich35 no one formula will work consistently....

    I will probably stick to aim, guess, putt, and pray!

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 1:28 AM

    I have a simple template I use for Tourny speed greens.

    After I add/subtract elevation eg  16ft to pin, up2 in elevation  16+2=18ft

    I've always used the Rossa/Odyssey Putters with meter scale 15,30,60 etc

    15ft  will travel 20ft

    18ft will travel 24ft

    30ft will travel 40ft

    36ft will travel 48ft

    On Tourny speed greens depending on the roll (dot movements)

    So a 16ft to pin, 2up I will hit a full 15ft on the scale.

    Always remember to hit slightly more. If you do the exact calculation, then the ball might come up short.



  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 1:51 AM


    I have a simple template I use for Tourny speed greens.

    After I add/subtract elevation eg  16ft to pin, up2 in elevation  16+2=18ft

    Always remember to hit slightly more. If you do the exact calculation, then the ball might come up short.



    I use something similar, and it was based of 'Davesters' formula.

    But I always tweak it after my trial and error. (lots of error)

    I have to remember that greens can vary day to day as well, and the first or second putts will be an indication if a green is a little slower or faster than usual. That is party discussed in THIS thread, and likely already in this current one.

    Again, like others I will take a 18 foot putt that goes up 2 inches = 20

    Then 20 divided by approx. 1.37. (tourny) = 14.6

    (lately this has been a little hard so you adjust your calculation, maybe 1.38+)

    I usually hit a putt under 15 a little harder, to get the ball rolling.

    But longer putts I shave off power because the ball is already rolling. One time I had to shave off about 11% off a 105 foot putt. I think it was a very fast green. But that's a whole new ball game. Generally, I remove power off the final solution as the distance becomes greater.

    But Davester said that after you divide by 1.37 or 1.38 you add a foot of power for every 5 inches UP

    or subtract a foot of power for every 5 inches down. (for inertia)

    But it all varies so I just putt and pray like others have said.  :D

    This is from Davester's info but I think his webpage is gone, and I think the formula is not as accurate as it used to be, as things seem to always change, but it was a good starting point for me.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:17 AM


    I use something similar, and it was based of 'Davesters' formula.

    But I always tweak it after my trial and error. (lots of error)

    I use my template as a starting point and I've had heaps of trial and errors to tweak that a little

    Nice post m8,  heaps of Info for everybody to read :)


  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 4:14 AM

    For those who too much math gives a headache, the simplest formula I've come across is this... For tourney greens , distance to hole plus 1.5 ft plus or minus elevation ( expressed as feet ) x .65. Example, 18 ft to hole, 2" up = 20 + 1.5 = 21.5 x .65 = 13.98. Agreed, that since WGT started varying green speeds you may need to adjust to .625 or .67 and add a little for long distance / uphill, subtract a little for downhill ( damn, now I've got a headache ) this will get you within a few feet of the hole most of the time.

    Doc :)

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 11:42 AM


     tourney greens , distance to hole plus 1.5 ft plus or minus elevation ( expressed as feet ) x .65. Example, 18 ft to hole, 2" up = 20 + 1.5 = 21.5 x .65 = 13.98.

    you may need to adjust to .625 or .67 and add a little for long distance / uphill, subtract a little for downhill 

    Doc :)

    Nice solution,  13.98.

    Can I ask how you use the numbers for elevation for:

    18 ft to hole, 9" up 

    18 ft to hole, 11" down 


    p.s. thanks Roger, nice stats, keep up the good work



  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 12:41 PM

    18 ft to hole, 9" up,   18+9+1.5 =28.5 x.65 = 18.53 , I would hit 19 ft plus or minus a little depending on current greenspeed

    18 ft to hole, 11" down , 18-11+1.5 = 8.5x .65= 5.53,  being that downslope has more effect than upslope, I would hit this @ 5 ft ,again, adjusting + or - a little for how last putt played

    In addition, the greater the sideslope the more you have to add as your ball must travel further than the straight line indicates.

    Disclaimer: My putting stats are far from where I'd like them, but , this formula has worked for me since I started back in May of 2011. Additionally, I use the Rossa and prefer the "miss-ding" method on all but the steepest sideslopes.

    Doc :)

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 12:58 PM


    In addition, the greater the sideslope the more you have to add as your ball must travel further than the straight line indicates.

     Additionally, I use the Rossa and prefer the "miss-ding" method 

    Doc :)

    I love it, can't wait to try a few rounds.

    Great tip w/ the side slope, how true. 

    p.s. I want that Rossa, too, might even rent it because it is affordable per day, but that's just something I want to test for myself  ;)





     18 ft to hole, 11" down , 18-11+1.5 =10.5 x .65=  6.83,  

    Maybe you had a 'typo'? My cal is a bugger, as well, but should that be:

    18-11+1.5 =8.5 x .65=  5.52       ??



  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Jul 17 2014 2:03 AM

    prefer the "miss-ding" method on all but the steepest sideslopes

    With the fast breaks...  Try moving aim and miss ding too.  Could be anyway from half a square to two squares

    If you see the ball turn under the hole,  then you need to add a little bit more strength (distance) to Putts.