If you can't get Dragon working you might want to try either Maxthon 3 or SRware Iron. Both are good browsers and Iron at least form me has been out preforming the other 2 lately.
BTDT, btbs! lol I think now, hind-sight being 20/20, that chasing after the better browser for WGT play had really bogged down my notebook's performance. Before things turned sour a week ago or so, I had (let's see now) ... IE9, FF, Opera, Chrome, Dragon, Palemoon, Maxthon ... you get the picture.
I finally bit the bullet, and uninstalled every browser, and it's associated file-folder, with the exception of IE9 browser/file, and (at the suggestion of the FF uninstall process!) a grab-bag file of favorites, settings, etc. Then I uninstalled Flash, in it's entirety.
Prior to reloading alternate browsers, using my AVG internet security program, did a thorough scrub-down of my entire system and a de-frag of memory.
Then it was re-install key browsers - for me, Firefox for general surfing and desired background stuff like Pandora audio, Dragon for WGT play, banking, and other secure uses, Chrome for backup of Dragon.
Finally, re-installed current Flash - both active.x and plug-in for non-IE browsers.
I've got my Dragon back, smoother than ever ... and operationally everything is faster now.
After a test drive to verify it all remained functional through repeated cycles and, in an environment of multiple browsers open, that WGT play was solid ... I created a system-restore point, in case things go south in the future.
I got my WGT back!
sign me,
Happy Camper