I've just bought the set...........................................yeah right!!
if it was half price, Maybe, but thinking about it, maybe not. $180 for $30 shirt. I didn't mind exchanging 165,000 credits for a gift card because you could go to the shop, buy all the Nike clothing which Is for sale and still have $200 left to spend. In theory you could buy the elite collection Nike clothing 3 times over with the amount of credits needed for $250 gift card, but If you had the $250 gift card you could go to a shop buy all the clothing 3 times and still have $100 to spend. Just gets better & better. And then we get a course that we actually got 2 years ago. Yes newbies might get excited, but all the ones who have been here a while see things differently now.
Dont get me started on the odds of the hole in 1 challenge, where you loose $$ every hole even If you land within 1 to 5 feet. Clever wording by wgt to make us think we can win by landing close where you loose your stake any way. Here are the credit "bonuses".
Stake: 100/50/10
HIO: +1,400/+700/+140
1 foot: -74/-37/-8
5 foot: -90/-45/-9
Miss: -100/-50/-10
And an extra dollar for a ball with a touch slower meter, which makes me miss ding MORE than balls with faster meter.LOL
Yes Its good to have par 3 courses to play in matchplay challenge's, I enjoyed playing them for credits, but honestly, re booting current courses is NOT the same as even a new tru golf 1.
I will only get excited when I see Meiron, a nice crispy course to play (heck even a TruGolf would do) re-releasing same old same old or things we all ready have doesn't seem to do it for me anymore