IBTD Courteney, that's proper advice for a picture.
To include a link:
1) Copy the URL http://www.wgt.com/replay.aspx?ID=32669910-14a4-4a2c-8b79-a18a00b695f5 into the buffer.
2) open a new post or a reply.
3) Write something which then will become the "green" text, like
great shot!
4) highlight the text,
5) click on the chain symbol in the menu line which will have become active.
6) paste the URL into the proper line,
7) change the second to "new window" if you so like it, then exit.
8) Voilá: great shot!
9) Grr: 30 sec ad spoiling the fun for the spectator!
10) Grr 2: ball stuck at the flag, no fun for the player!