The PLAYER PAIRINGS are as follows:
Player pairings for 1st round: REMEMBER: this is Strokeplay (not Matchplay). You're playing with, not against, your partner. This is in order to verify playing conditions, and so that we can all learn from each other!
DAZZA501 & CerinoDevoti
b0geybuster & why9
Solid1 & cboonsport
fmagnets & Daboofness
ragefire & Hanswurst72
ColumbusStorm & gk21al
sebicu & oneeyedjohn
MBaggese & rmchangin
lvietri & filmslayer
Wesdogg75 & borntobesting
Aahna & 10luigi10
LeGeNdCrUsHeR & hyena64
LOLserver & Corwyn
Points to note: with one pairing exception, I've managed to pair every lower tier player with a TL. I haven't heard back yet from LC to confirm his time zone, so paired him with our indefatigable hyena64 (who seems to be available 24/7!)
Also, note that as the tourney progresses, pairings will change based on who makes it through to the next round, and in which bracket. So keep checking back to see who your playing partner will be as we move on.
HERE IS THE FINALIZED Time Availability Chart
How it Works:
First, please check the Time Availability spreadsheet online. (Depending on what size it displays in your browser, you might need to adjust the View settings.)
Make sure that the times showing for you are correct. This is very important!!!
Here's how it works: right-click to enlarge to enlarge this sample pic (note this screenshot was only large enough to capture a few pairings and only for their weekday times. Scroll to the right to see weekend times, and down to see everyone.)
The time boxes you clicked on in the entry form have been conditionally formatted to show in Green for your YES's, and in Yellow for Possible times you can play. (Red is NO, not available). Based on the time zone you gave, everyone's grid has been adjusted to UTC, which are the times in the column headings... However, in the Green boxes, I've retained a note of the time, in your local time, to make it easier for you to tell when it actually is!
[please note a minor challenge, which is that the signup form was set up with GMT times, and before the summer time switch. I've made all the adjustments, and am hoping it's all accurate. Please do check!]
So, in this example, Dazza and Cerino have a good availability overlap weekdays from 4-7pm UTC (Dazza's 5pm-8pm in the UK, and Cerino's noon-3pm on the East Coast, USA).
Find your own player pairing in the spreadsheet, note the overlapping availability times (hopefully in Green, sometimes in Yellow), and take it from there... See suggested steps below.
Hopefully, this is easy to understand. Any questions, please ask in the thread.
What You Need to Do:
1. Look at the Time Availability spreadsheet online. Find your Pairing and see the times that overlap. The best ones will be where both of you are showing YES for at least 2 hours in a row. Choose a day and time to suggest.
2. Send a Friend Request to your playing partner
3. Wall Post them to explain the Friend Request and schedule a time. For example:
"Shiner's UEL tourney"
We're paired together for this tourney. My best time to play that overlaps with yours is xxxx UTC (or xxx your time, xxxx my time). Does xxxday work for you?
4. Please DO NOT just plan on catching your partner with a Green light. This is not a reliable way to get your game in!
5. Any problems connecting, make sure and post them in this thread asap. We may be able to set you up with a marker, but only if necessary.
6. When you play, don't forget to take and post Screenshots of the card & proof of conditions.