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Re: Uneven Lies Ryder Cup proposal

Fri, Feb 21 2014 9:44 AM (383 replies)
  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sat, Feb 1 2014 8:38 PM

    Thanks Corwyn, should SilentOmegaWolf not be available, I will try the alternatives.   Should there be no success there, there is another USA alternative,  Moosetaya will step in and play alongside Cygnus3000.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sat, Feb 1 2014 8:42 PM


    Thanks Corwyn, should SilentOmegaWolf not be available, I will try the alternatives.   Should there be no success there, there is another USA alternative,  Moosetaya will step in and play alongside Cygnus3000.

    Russ,  you may want to pm Moose,   i know that he regularly plays Alt shot with Cygnus3000


  • SilentOmegaWolf
    349 Posts
    Sat, Feb 1 2014 9:08 PM



    I suggest we try and play it tomorrow evening same time, if that's ok with all concerned

    Sorry to hear about this snafu, and very much hope you can all commit to the same time for tomorrow evening...

    Corwyn, I've spoken with Wiger and Cyg,  they are ok with playing tomorrow.    Jon (silentomegawolf)  just needs to confirm.


    Sorry about today guys...that's life I guess.  But I can play tomorrow at the same time so I hope we can get it done then.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 2:39 AM




    I suggest we try and play it tomorrow evening same time, if that's ok with all concerned

    Sorry to hear about this snafu, and very much hope you can all commit to the same time for tomorrow evening...

    Corwyn, I've spoken with Wiger and Cyg,  they are ok with playing tomorrow.    Jon (silentomegawolf)  just needs to confirm.


    Sorry about today guys...that's life I guess.  But I can play tomorrow at the same time so I hope we can get it done then.

    No problem, Jon.   Real life happens, I guess. I'll look out for you in roughly 9 1/2 hours time.


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 5:30 AM

    Match D ::    stevereilly & WigerToods2010        Cygnus3000 & SilentOmegaWolf   

    Today, Sunday, at 12 noon WGT time, 8pm UTC (i.e. 6.5 hours from the time of this post!):

    Steve (stevereilly) & Johnny (WigerToods2010): your 8pm local time.

    Dave (Cygnus3000) & Jon (SilentOmegaWolf): your 3pm local time. 

    (if Dakotarov needed, it's also his 3pm local time)


    Great to see confirmation from Jon, and everything set-up for this last Worst-Ball match to take place today!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 5:33 AM

    In light of the above, Russ and I have been communicating about various guidelines we can follow if we hit scheduling difficulties. Firstly, Russ has sent this suggested process to follow in the event, in any of the four-player matches, of a no-show:

    "On the no show issue with no warning message that they cant make it, then if 3 players are ready to play, the group should wait a minimum of 10 minutes for the missing player to show up. If still no show, then the player with the missing partner (Team A) tries the alternates (in their signup order) [Alternates are listed at the bottom of the Matches Sheets]. If an alternate from Team A is not immediately available, then the opposing teammates (Team B) can try to find anyone on the Team A roster to jump in to immediately play. If the 2 teammates from Team B would rather postpone, then it is their choice.

    At least that way the team with a no-show can't select a "ringer" to play with.

    This is only to be used as a back-up plan to allow the possibility of the match to be played since 3 out of 4 players are already there."

    Here are additional guidelines to follow for interruptions, disconnects, etc.


    If a match gets interrupted for whatever reason, and it is not possible to finish the match with it returning to the same place in the round (in practice mode this may not happen), then the following applies: If you have finished 3 holes or less, then get back to the point of the last completed hole, still counting the scores for those holes as played the first time through. And finish through the whole 9. (e.g. you completed 2 holes before the interruption, and Team A were 2 UP; you play yourself back to the 3rd, not counting the scores on holes 1-2, and resume the match on the 3rd with Team A 2 UP, and play through to the end of the 9.)

    If time factors do not allow one player to manage this option, please negotiate that amongst yourselves and choose the 2nd option (next paragraph below).

    If you have completed 4 holes or more already, then count all of the holes from the resumption as contested holes but only play as many as you need to finish the 9. (e.g. you finished 5 holes first time through, you count the results of those 5 holes, and also count the replayed holes 1-4 to get a total of 9).


    If someone gets booted after multiple disconnects, and it's no better when they try and rejoin, then the first step is to adjourn till the 'rain day' (if you've chosen a schedule that allows a backup)

    No-shows with advance warning: In addition to the guidelines above for a no-show with no warning, here's what to do if you do get warning. Firstly, arrange to try again on the backup day (assuming you've scheduled with another weekday or weekend day available). If it happens on the second attempt as well (or if it's apparent that scheduling can't work), then you should attempt to schedule or find an alternate (using their signup order) as per the method in the guidelines above. If that is still not successful, further attempts to schedule the match will be allowed up to one week thereafter, but with the team at fault taking a 1-hole penalty into the match. If not completed by one week, then that match is forfeited by the team at fault (or halved if the fault is split).


    Note the importance of taking screengrabs after every hole, as a safeguard against disconnects etc.

    It is my hope that we don't have to resort to any of these guidelines, but that depends on good clear communication and scheduling, and a willingness from all players to stick with their commitments. Thank you!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 6:44 AM

    Overall score updated: Team ROW: 2.5 | Team USA 2.5

    With the overall score standing all square after 5 matches, and just one match remaining in the week1 Worst-Ball series, captains have been through another 'secret envelope line-up' process, and are ready to announce the week2 pairings for the Best-Ball series.

    I'll make another post today or tomorrow to explain the secret envelope process... In the meantime, commiserations to Jon (jsweetcr) who has once again ended up playing against Icon and Rock!


    Here is our line-up for the 2nd week Best-Ball Matches, to be completed by Mon 10th Feb (you can start as soon as it works for all your players):  see Chart here

    ROW Team                  vs                    USA

    A ::        oneeyedjohn & Bonalyau               Cygnus3000 & jimbech 

    B ::        Daskino & Corwyn                           devonnnnn & deedles77

    C ::        stevereilly & WigerToods2010      ColumbusStorm & bhoese

    D ::        johehejo & FairwayRuepel68        woodoworkery & natemakesaholein

    E ::        jsweetcr & fmagnets                         KyRock75 & iconian

    F ::        Dazza501 & LOLserver              wesdogg75 & SilentOmegaWolf   Dakotarov


    Suggested dates/times for Matches:

    A :: The overlap time for the 4 of you is between 12 midnight-4am UTC (4-8pm WGT time), on both weekdays and Sundays. On weekdays the best overlap (i.e. not involving any 'possible' time blocks) is from 1am-3am UTC (5-7pm WGT time). 

    Please try first to set up for a weekday at 1am UTC (5pm WGT time).

    John (oneeyedjohn): your window of 2-5pm 8-11am local time.

    Jean (Bonalyau): your window of 9pm-midnight 9am-noon local time.

    Dave (Cygnus3000): your window of 3-6pm 8-11pm local time. 

    Jim (jimbech): your window of 5-8pm local time. 


    B :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekdays, between 5-7pm UTC (9m-11am WGT time), and is complicated by Corwyn's 9am being more like 9:30am (by the time I get back from school drop-off). 

    I will aim for 9:15 if I can but 9:30 is definitely OK, and we are also hoping Luciano can stay 15-30 mins longer if needed at the end, but 1.5hrs should be enough time if we are all prompt.

    Luciano (Daskino): your window of 6:30-8pm local time.

    Corwyn: your window of 9:30am-11am local time.

    Devon (devonnnnn) & Dee (deedles77): your window of noon-2pm local time.


    C :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekends, between 7pm-1am UTC (11am-5pm WGT time), again assuming that 'possible' window can work for Steve. To have a backup of Sunday, I suggest you try for Saturday first.

    Steve (stevereilly) & Johnny (WigerToods2010): your window of 7pm-1am local time.

    Russ (ColumbusStorm): your window of 2pm-8pm local time.

    Ben (bhoese): your window of 1pm-7pm local time.


    D :: The overlap for the 4 of you is both weekdays and weekends, between 6-10pm UTC (10am-2pm WGT time). Only restriction is Nate can't play Tuesdays.

    Jorg (johehejo) & Mark (FairwayRuepel68): your window of 7pm-11pm local time.

    Gary (woodoworkery): your window of  noon-4pm local time. 

    Nate (natemakesaholein): your window of 1-5pm local time. 


    E :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekends, between 8pm-4am UTC (noon-8pm WGT time). Again, best to plan for Saturday if that will work for Rock this week, to leave Sunday as backup.

    Jon (jsweetcr): your window of 2-10pm local time.

    fmagnets: your window of 8pm-4am local time.

    Rock (KyRock75) & Icon (iconian): your window of 3-11pm local time.


    F :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekends, between 7-11pm UTC (11am-3pm WGT time). Darren can't do Saturdays after 5pm so that leaves just Sunday! Please let me know asap if that can't work (and thus more juggling of matches needed).

    One possibility, if Eric is able to extend his window of availability, is for you all to try and play tonight if that worked! Jon (Wolf) will be playing his wk1 match starting at his 3pm, and could perhaps go on to play wk2 right after... Radical, I know, but worth mentioning to give you a backup date with two Sundays!

    Darren (Dazza501): your window of 7-11pm local time.

    Eric (LOLserver): your window of 8pm-midnight local time.

    Jon (SilentOmegaWolf):   alternateDakotarov (with Moosetaya on standby if needed)

    Wes (wesdogg75): your window of 1pm-5pm local time.


    What to do next?

    Send Friend Requests to your playing partner and your opponents from the other team. Either use this forum thread to confirm your matches via public replies (please quote this post and any relevant replies to make it easier to track), or do it all via PMs. [Note though that many people are having trouble with PMs recently, so follow up to make sure messages received, and always post here in the thread so we know you are scheduled.]

    This tourney will not work if you rely on just 'catching your partner and opponents green' -- you must schedule a specific time and date, and be there at that time!

    Note that you will be keeping the Matchplay score as you go via the chat: the winning team per hole is the one whose Best-Ball of the 2 players is the lowest.


    Please set up the week 2 Best-Ball matches as follows:

    Week 2  (from now to Mon 2/10):: will be Best-Ball fourball with a set of six matches to be played over 9 holes (the back 9 this time at Merion) with the following conditions:

    Merion :: 4-Player Strokeplay :: Practice Mode :: Back 9 :: Hard Pins :: Champion (Hardest) tees :: Tournament Green speed :: Moderate wind :: Uneven Lies :: 90 second timer

    Whichever team is in the lead after the Worst-Ball series (or if still tied, the ROW team as reigning Virtual Ryder Cup champions), shall have the honor, and so should set up the matches and be the first pair to tee off.

    Please designate one player per match (per team as backup) to capture and share scorecard screenshots in the forum thread. Note that there can be an A/S result, which will mean 1/2 point to each team.

    Any questions, please ask here!

    Thanks, and good luck to everyone, Corwyn

    P.S. Please note we are also setting up matches for Alternates on both teams to play against each other in the singles series. These will be matches 'for fun' to make sure those players get some involvement even if not called upon earlier in the tournament. However, should the rest of the Ryder Cup end up in a tie, the results of these matches will be the tie-breaker for the competition!

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 7:02 AM

    I note that all our times in A above are PM, can we not bring it forward 11 hours and make it 6 - 8 AM.

    I play like shite in the PM.

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 7:13 AM

    In the meantime, commiserations to Jon (jsweetcr) who has once again ended up playing against Icon and Rock!

    No problem Corwyn, maybe I can get some redemption of that beating I took by them. 

    Not to mention I figured out why my putter meter was playing up. Not sure how or why but my putting grid option was turned on so during the entire swing process the grid stays on and all those balls are moving causing meter stutter.  Should have a smooth meter for the next one.

    Want to give a big thumbs up to you specifically Corwyn. You are doing an amazing job with all these emails and coordinating all of us. Also to the captains for their time in doing the pairings and matchups.

    Thanks a bunch!!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 7:20 AM

    Thanks for your understanding Jon, and for the kind words!

    And I'm glad to know your meter will be better. It's a good reminder to check all the options if forced into using a new setup.

    I note that all our times in A above are PM, can we not bring it forward 11 hours and make it 6 - 8 AM.

    I play like shite in the PM.

    Sorry, oneye, I must have been half-asleep. I just forgot to amend the line items next to your, Jean, and Dave's name for your match. They've been corrected now. Thanks for checking!

    The real time window we need from you is 8am-11am.