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Adding multiple recipients to messages

rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 16 2023 9:50 AM (9 replies)
  • ComplexP
    250 Posts
    Thu, Sep 9 2010 2:01 PM

    I just cant seem to work out how to do this. I type the first few letters of a friends name and it always come saying it cannot find a match.

    Any ideas?

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Sep 9 2010 2:26 PM

    I have tried as well only to be unsuccessful.

    Then I was lead to understand that it's for single recipients only.

    I'll be watching in case I was misinformed.

    Good luck.

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2010 4:48 AM

    Is anything in the works to enable this? Perhaps only for those in one's Friend List, or better yet, from one's "Friends Icon Page"?

    Due to the "missing recent friends" from my Friends List box (at the left side of our screens), I probably (pending email reply from WGT) will be forced to trim my list to enable the ability to see my friends added since 10/20/2010... and would like to send a message out to inform those chosen for "the axe" - of the consequences of their "inactivity", "unavailability", etc... and my intention to "un-friend" them... unless a reply is made with a request to remain in my list.

    Other than visiting each and every player's profile page and leaving individual messages, a "form message" seems, at least, the "civil" and "friendly" thing to do...

                ... with my apologies to those "missing friends" I've added since late October,







  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2010 5:05 AM

    This is an option already.  Just select one friend start a message and then start adding additional names as recipients.



  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2010 6:06 AM

    Thanks bb... tried it again, and it DID work for some of my friends, but not others... says there's no friend match even though they're in my list, and I'm in their's ( I checked their profile pages).

    The dropdown list of names to enter (after entering 2 letters) is kinda funky, as well... no rhyme nor reason for the couple of names it provides... for example, I enter "Da", and it returns names of friends beginning with various letters. I didn't think of adding the "*" wildcard character... I'll try that next, i.e. "DA*", or "D*"...

    There's very little help (if any at all) in the FAQ regarding "friends list control"... maybe it's somewhere on the net when it comes to Flash apps? I hafta look around.

    thanks for the reply,


  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2010 7:51 AM

    This option does not work properly.  I have tried.  

    If I need to send the same message to 3 people, I cannot add 3 names in the TO box - even though it appears to be intended to allow this.  I have to go through a tedious manual process of cutting and pasting and copying to do X number of the same message.  This gets irritating when trying to send 30 CC Members the same message.  (Yes - I generally use the CC Forum for this BUT occasionally a situation will be better handled the other way.)


    I wish this worked right. - AtlantaCoaster

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2010 9:48 AM

    Official Bug report sent to this morning.

    Bug Report:  Adding multiple recipients to messages does not work correctly

    Title: Adding multiple recipients to messages does not work correctly

    • description of the problem

    I wanted to send the same message to several of my friends at the same time.  But the system doesn't recognize all my friends entered into the Recipients line.

    • actions that led to the problem

    I typed in multiple member names into the Recipients line.

    • expected result

    When sending a message to multiple friends, I am able to type any of my friends member names into the Recipients line and it will be recognized by the system and the message sent to them.

    • actual result

    It DID work for some of my friends, but not others... the system says there's no friend match even though they're in my list, and I'm in their's ( I checked their profile pages).

    The dropdown list of names to enter (after entering 2 letters) is kinda funky, as well... no rhyme nor reason for the couple of names it provides... for example, I enter "Da", and it returns names of friends beginning with various letters.


    This affects all members.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2015 3:53 AM



    FFS WGT , pull ur finger out will ya


    5 years +  and nothing

  • wleiss
    6,517 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2023 8:38 AM




    FFS WGT , pull ur finger out will ya


    5 years +  and nothing

    13 years now and still nothing, but they do manage to change the color schemes on a regular basis.

  • ScottHope
    10,616 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2023 9:50 AM

    It works for the first 20 friends on your list, which isn't much good as they're less likely to still be playing if you've been here a while.

    The search does work very well in its limited way, any part of a friends name will produce a result, unlike some searches on here.

    * Names edited for.... well, I didn't ask them if they wanted to be listed.  8 )