Pangaea:Try to slowly drag back the club on the various scales and see how many avatar movements there are
A big, big caution on reading the moves--DO NOT TRUST THE FIRST MOVE YOU SEE. By this I mean you need to "waggle" the move just as you might IRL. In a like conversation a while ago a poster referred to "cancelling" the move as what you would call it if you made the club move and then backed up to just before it moves.
By way of an example, with any putter, any scale, make the avatar's club move what you think is once. Hold it and watch the meter as you move towards cancelling it. The meter moves quite a bit before the club actually does. This is a huge strength difference when you use this method. The waggle comes from moving, cancelling, moving again, cancelling again, etc., so that you're sure you get the move right. This is critically important when using the larger scales.This is how the avatar move method works best because you will be consistent and be able to learn what your putter's moves get you. (I'm one of those that never looks at the meter when I putt unless it's under 6 feet.)
Adjusting for green speeds gets much easier because no matter what values you use each move is going to be something. Cancelling a move will be something less on that same scale. The difference for me between Very Fast and Tournament speeds is very simple. VF= a full move; T= cancel the move.
I swear by the method. I use a Redwood Master putter and have been putting this way since the beginning. It doesn't take long to learn what your putter values are, either by trial and error or searching for forum posts on the subject-there are some excellent ones.
The best part of putting this way, for me, is when you get used to using the larger scales the back swing is really short and the ding is easier to get. GL