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Re: I need a FoolProof technique against cross winds

Mon, Jul 28 2014 9:42 AM (85 replies)
  • clemodmc
    4 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 9:26 PM

    Sage advice whilst unnecessarily blowing your Own trumpet !

    Offer all the advice you want to , but leave your overblown trumpet in he band room !

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 9:50 PM


    so no one have clue. ok

    We all have a clue Alex, but clubs/balls/and spin applied makes a huge difference.


    I'm sure some calc everything, I don't.


    Let me give you an example...


    For my wedge through 9 iron neutral spin, I generally use 1/2  the blue aimer box as 5mph of wind (talking side wind here)


    8 iron-up...I add a bit more movement than I would with 9 and below.

    Now comes the fun part, as you add some more back spin you will have to compensate more and more with the longer clubs, as the ball is in flight longer...holds true with just neutral spin as well.


    Now when you playing higher winds, you have to adjust more...but I prefer adjusting roughly the same, but try to hit a bit early/late...into the wind...called "missing the ding on the correct side" low winds like KI and BPB have, I play it pretty much on my box, and always try to ding.


    Thing is, some learn tricks/ways early on and excel early on, me...I do okay here, but has taken me 3 or 4 years to "know" exactly what I need to do and then I have to execute it. 


    I recall you asking me once while we were playing "what calc did you use?"-or similar..I said I don't calc shots, I play it by feel.


    Golf (here and in real life) for the most of us should be fun, not a mental mind effing:)

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 10:39 PM


    100% accuracy? I do not care about yardage issue here. I only need idea on marker movement on long irons.

    You don't care about yardages?  It's gonna be hard to say exactly how far to move the marker if you don't care whether the ball goes 150 or 190 yards.  Remember the ball is still being blown off line for those extra 40 yards.


    so no one have clue. ok

    Of course we have clues but we went out and discovered them ourselves.  Stop peeping over peoples shoulders and actually figure this stuff out for yourself.


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 10:47 PM

    I must admit I'm not sure what you are saying or asking. Maybe you can clarify. 

    You say "When i do not want ding , i ding and it go away from hole."

    One technique to try to improve is to ding when you want to, and not ding when you don't want to. A Slow meter, reflexes and knowing the specific speed your clubs' swing meter will be the issue to master.

    But if you're still having trouble w/ the ding/not-ding - then what might help somewhat is to set up the shot where the margin of error will be less unfavorable. (see below)

    You say " I hit in the direction of wind " But forgive me, I'm not sure of your wording; do you mean against the wind or with it, or something else?

    Below may not be the answer but I figure this is a good place to discuss the issue of wind & shots that are favorable, plus, why to hook or slice   with or against the wind.

    Others may have more to add, and I'm only just testing out these different methods.

    Many times my choice to hook or slice isn't totally decided by the direction of the wind.**

    [See below. What isn't discussed is spin, terrain and the AIM Marker but it is important to adjust  these properly for the following shots to be rewarding. edit: This only applies for DRIVERS, not irons, as indicated by Dan and others on the WGT forum]


    The green approach in fig. A is from 7 o' Clock to 2 o' clock. Both crosswind direction possibilities are displayed (A 1 & 2). Figure B shows the opposite green approach, etc.


    I may use shot 'H' (slice along w/ wind) if I am a little out of range of green (1) and I need my ball to roll with the wind and/or land in a curve conducive to a green putt.

    If it was the same green as (1) but the wind was opposite (2) I could try shot 'K' (slice vs wind) but the ball would fight the wind so power and top/back spin will be a key factor to adjust.. This kind of shot may be good if I'm using a 3W &  a starter ball with little stopping power. Possibly a very fast, slick green could be a concern, as well.


    If the green is shaped the other way (3 & 4):

    Shot 'M' (hook vs wind) into the wind, again, fights the wind & stalls out in the air more, but an off-shot may have a less detrimental green landing. 

    On and on... So just because the wind is blowing Right-to-Left on a green shaped like (4) it does not always mean I will slice into the wind like shot 'O'. (slice vs wind) Because an error in hitting or calculation might possibly cause a bunker/off-green landing.

    Similarly, just because the wind is blowing Left-to-Right on green (1) does not always mean I will hook into the wind with shot 'I'. 


    I may not have a 'fool proof technique' for crosswind playing but, in my current view, the primary issues & solutions are effective actuation of a swing (hook or ding or slice) along with reducing the margin of error of a shot & accurate calculations plus familiarity with the course.

    Piece of cake.  LOL   ;)

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 12:43 AM

    1 problem with that....there is no fade or draw programmed into the game on approach shots, the wind moves your ball...if you miss with a high spin ball with the wind it acts more like a slice so you better adjust like double the norm for that shot and add 1 or 2 CAN'T DRAW a ball into a crosswind on a approach shot....


    why not learn to calculate the wind and play a normal shot?

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 1:05 AM


    Piece of cake.  LOL   ;)

    Nice piece of work JF.

    That should keep Alex quiet for a while.

    I play cross-winds by feel (forum speak for guessing), I was going to try your methods but my enigma machine is broken.    ;)

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 1:18 AM

    Fool proof solution is slow meter. Other than kinda lottery.

    One of idea i wanted to hear is reduce wind effectiveness such that i have to use less marker move.

    if i draw or fade i have to find how much yardage i lose that could help to ensure my marker movement is lesser and lesser but i can click with a 1cm block around ding and i can still be safe. 

    I am going to find draw and fade for different yardage and find how much i lose yardage and make adjustment for my equipment.

    I can probably create my own chart  i think.


  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 1:18 AM

    Fool proof solution is slow meter. Other than kinda lottery.

    One of idea i wanted to hear is reduce wind effectiveness such that i have to use less marker move.

    if i draw or fade i have to find how much yardage i lose that could help to ensure my marker movement is lesser and lesser but i can click with a 1cm block around ding and i can still be safe. 

    I am going to find draw and fade for different yardage and find how much i lose yardage and make adjustment for my equipment.

    I can probably create my own chart  i think.

    "You say " I hit in the direction of wind " But forgive me, I'm not sure of your wording; do you mean against the wind or with it, or something else?"

    I hit with wind for short yardage(<100) . Move marker just enough even if i ding not ding i will be very close. 

    Its above 140 things gets dicey. All the people who say all lessons i need to see them in game to execute to see how they follow their lessons.

    chrisironbones is one of those who has control of his long iron shots. 

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 1:21 AM

    This is very interesting, and do you know where it is stated about:

    'there is no fade or draw programmed into the game on approach shots'

    I have heard it before and I'm not so much doubting you, and I am really a novice.


     My point stands for the technique when driving and/or making a 1st shot onto a green using a driver.

    ScottHope posted

    Fade into a 26mph crosswind again, camera 1 for best view.'

    A draw against the wind, camera 1 for the best replay view.''

    replays at the thread:


  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 1:24 AM

    Longer iron if i hit with wind its goner. Longer iron i click other side of ding to reduce wind effectiveness and hit more.

    but have seen people pepper the flag with >200 iron shots.