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Re: June Updates- grid dots and flash update

Mon, Apr 13 2015 8:05 AM (106 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 5:47 AM

    Then we have to move the aimer regardless and have no experience - might be better to move it from the start

    On fast breaks, then you have to move aim.  I read a tip on this late last year and have been doing this since then.

  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 6:53 AM


    Never even noticed any difference regarding grid dots. Thanks for at least attempting to improve meter 'stutters' though.

    I've never seen the moving dots on the backswing, but I've always had the putting grid option turned off.

    I've been using Flash14 for awhile now, before the last upgrade with comodo dragon and have near perfect meter.

    Try different browsers, it might work.  


    Perhaps a misunderstanding, Roger. I'm happy enough at the moment with all aspects of game play....      putting tip wouldn't go amiss though :O)


  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 9:12 AM

    I see the dots freeze once you release the mouse button, they keep moving when you're setting the power but freeze as soon as you release. 

    I aim the putt and try to hit the ding never could do the off ding putting sometimes on the short hard breaking ones ill miss late into the break but as far as the putting grid goes i like it gone when Im putting

    So I never noticed the dots moving or not lol


  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 9:29 AM
    WigerToods2010 - your mute comment is too funny
    As for the flash version in reality you still can use an ancient version of flash.  We are only requiring an upgrade if you are using a version older than 11.4 which was release oct 2012
    I know WGT is totally crazy and cutting edge here.  So if you do not like flash 14 you can use 11.4 but honestly in all our tests flash 14 is a lot more stable.
  • bhacd
    29 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 10:27 AM

    This was suggested and it seem to work. When you bring the cursor back to start your downswing, if you hold it at your required putt-strength and then instead of just letting go for the downswing you let go and click, it will restart the grid.

  • tramilleo
    1,912 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 10:42 AM

    i always play with the putter grid on and i use the dots to set my miss mark on the ding, if this does not apply to you why open up your mouth to look dumb??????????

    not trying to restart grid i always have it on, I NEED THE DOTS TO MOVE ALWAYS NOT STOP REALLY NOT HARD TO UNDERSTAND SHEESH

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 11:10 AM

    I'm really trying to understand why the dots moving on the downswing is so vital to you miss ding putters.  You can click on the aim marker and watch the dots moveing for an hour if you want to before taking the putt, does the 1 to 2 seconds during the downswing really make such a difference?

    Aren't you more focused on the meter itself at this point?

    I'm not taking the pizz, just struggling to get my head around why what appears to be a tiny change has totally ruined putting for you.

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 11:15 AM

    just struggling to get my head around why what appears to be a tiny change has totally ruined putting for you.

    i have played a few players that say they dont even move the aim marker to putt or hit shots ill never understand that 

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 11:48 AM

    Some of the members in the forums talk about slight 'off-dinging', and I've read about it after one of the popular 'long timers' linked the putting tip thread in the forum.


    " Aim your putt with a little less break and miss early or late. I don't do this all the time, but 3-15 footers I do on almost every one. The amount you want to miss depends on the forgiveness of your putter. Also be aware that you'll want to add on more pace depending on the severity you miss early or late. It will take off power when you miss the ding."


    The another great player commented on how Tekoma was 'off dinging' and what the results were.

    "none of those putts would have fell if it were not for missing ding which is a bonus using rossa putter cause IMO it was built just for that. Maybe a little reasoning to why you missed the ding by how much you did would benefit players more."

    I sometimes use the off ding method, and that's esp.  why I'm using the TM Spider. But I usually make the judgment on how much I need to miss just before I pull the putter back (then the dots stop moving etc) and I don't make that decision after I've adjusted the power. 

    I can understand people have their preferences, I just work with what my browser gives me. (and actually I don't think my browser ever had the dots moving while I was in the middle of a swing)

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 11:49 AM

    We are only requiring an upgrade if you are using a version older than 11.4

    Any chance of you rolling that back to 11.2 for the Linux users in the crowd?  Or is 11.4 the oldest version that provides the required stability?

    Just trying to see how many hoops I can avoid jumping through to get back up and running...