spdemon:Well i have a feeling (a belief, especially a vague or irrational one) that something is a miss with either the clubs or wind take your pick
You are not alone but I wouldn't call anything amiss, it's just the cycle the game plays in. Some days you own it, other days it owns you. :-)
In quantum mechanics it's like the uncertainty principle.
Or in layman's terms. 2 + 2 = WTF (?)
Research shows arguing w/ science is SOP and naturally promoted as w/ the famous Scientific Method:
"Scientific knowledge can remain subject to falsification if new experimental observation incompatible with it is found. That is, no theory can ever be considered final, since new problematic evidence might be discovered. If such evidence is found, a new theory may be proposed, or (more commonly) it is found that modifications to the previous theory are sufficient to explain the new evidence. The strength of a theory can be argued... "