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Inter-CC League - an alternative to the Clashes?

rated by 0 users
Sun, Dec 14 2014 2:02 PM (6 replies)
  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Mon, Nov 10 2014 2:42 AM

    I originally posted this in the Country Club Corner, but then realised it probably should have been posted here, so apologies for the duplicate post ;-)


    In light of the general dissatisfaction with WGT's Clash events, I would like to propose an alternative for your consideration and discussion.

    There does seem to be a very good appetite for Inter-CC matches, but it also seems to be somewhat disjointed, with lots of individual competitions being run, and I'm wondering if it could be formalised, into an Inter-CC League, or something similar?

    In an ideal world, this is a suggestion that I would prefer to put forward for WGT to organise, but as we have all seen, they couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery, so that's a non-starter.

    However, there are some mightily talented guys around here, and if one (or more) was willing to take it on, it could become a really good way ahead I think. Just looking at the way previous competitions eg the Time Zones League, or the current Grand Prix are working out, makes me think there would be a good response for this.

    I visualise a football league type of thing, with perhaps 12 CCs per division. This would give 11 home and 11 away matches per season. If 2 weeks were allowed per match, this would give us a 44 week season, with a couple of months respite in between, to get things organised for the next season. I'm thinking that maybe the Home Team could set the venues and type of match, so each CC can play to their strengths, and have some degree of home advantage.

    As the matches would all be known in advance, whilst one was being played, the CC Coordinators could be arranging the next, so it all rolled over seamlessly from fortnight to fortnight.

    Well that's it in a nutshell, so what do you think? Could this be the basis for a workable alternative to the Clashes?

    I should add that I wouldn't be capable of running this myself, nor do I have the answers to every question that might get raised - just putting an idea forward though :-)



  • bobby58lucas
    164 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 1:47 AM

    Very good call Steve,

    I think it is a good idea and could work. the same way that Carlos has organised the Grand Prix tournament. 

    I think a few people would need to be involved in the running of it suppose like the F.A in english football . But most important in my opinion would be Team equality. If you have a team of 10 tour legends and a team of legends and below it will not work because it will not be fair, I would propose teams of between 10-15 with all level tiers involved if possible. I am not sure what percentage is represented by each tier but at a guess there are probably more legends than any other tier, So maybe we could set something like 2 TL 6 legends 3 t/m and 4 master and below … just a rough idea open to options….

    be glad to offer my services on behalf of Freedom Fields


  • SteveW65
    4,540 Posts
    Mon, Dec 8 2014 5:10 AM

    This deserves a bump up the postings - it's a great idea. I don't think there would be anything wrong with having multiple leagues with end of season play offs for promotion / relegation etc.

    Having said all that, it really does need a spreadsheet guru like Carlos to pick up on it for it to have any chance. Maybe if we all offer some incentives to him? :)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Dec 8 2014 5:48 AM

    It does deserve a bump although it is a hell of a task for any one person to take on.  

    I think it would help if WGT got inter CC brackets going. They would be great in their own right but would also help facilitate things like this going.  

    If WGT could also develop a league table each week per tier (basis is there with the free comps, and they they can look at the very well run Forum Grand Prix for the rest).   

    Won't go in to loads of ideas as likely wasting my time when WGT so intent on the clash farce, not investing in sensible long term initiatives.  I can't wait for PP to come out  (when though lol), heck if only because it might knock some sense in around this place.

    If they did roll out something that might be more interesting to more than the CC clash nonsense I would implore them to consult first, and do it properly.  Last thing we want is more gnomes from non competitive silliness floating around.  

  • SteveW65
    4,540 Posts
    Mon, Dec 8 2014 5:52 AM

    Last thing we want is more gnomes from non competitive silliness floating around.

    x2! lol.

  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Mon, Dec 8 2014 6:40 AM

    Indeed this is something worth more investigation and ideas thrown about. As a club, over at Southern England Links, we are thoroughly enjoying the Club GP, which has brought the club together. Also, we are part of 4 club mini league which is again being superbly run and we as a club enjoy being part of it.

    If something else was to come up, we would definitely look to be included.

    I enjoy coming up with new events for our CC, so will get my head onto it too, see if I can offer some ideas and maybe some help regarding the spreadsheet side of things, though time is tight with running SEL.


  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 2:02 PM

    How about something like this again, there can be as many cc's involved as you like.. im happy to organise if the skippers can do the  "geeing up", this worked well as a timezone specific tourny, its not to say we couldn't have a US one running at the same time...

