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Re: Clash rounds = Tournament or not?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Aug 24 2016 7:32 PM (30 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 3:14 PM

    See this display from a Clash round:

    Q: Is a Clash round a tournament round or not?

    It says, Tournament Game,

    but it won't give the 190 XPs which are common to all tournaments and Brackets, but only the half of it.

    Let me repeat my Q: Is a Clash round a tournament round or not?

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 5:48 PM

    Alosso: I am going to have to look further in to this one. Off the top of my head I believe it does not count as a tournament round, but I need to check. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 11:31 PM

    Thanks for responding!

    It's quite apparent that it doesn't:

    - simple entry without link in the score history,

    - only basic points, not double - see FAQs.

    It only astounds me that it's named a tournament game - if so, the proper points should be awarded. After all, these are CC Pass rounds, counting towards CC level.

    I hope that you come back to us with a result.

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 4:37 PM

    You are correct in that these Event games are not considered tournaments for XP concerns. We will reconsider whether we continue to name the games in the Events and Clashes tournaments so as not to confuse players.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Dec 2 2014 12:07 AM

    Thank you for the quick and concise answer.

    While you're at it, include Bracket tournaments into your thoughts - XPs and score displays are correct to me, but they don't count into the earnings - tournaments should, from your FAQ.

  • silent2hear
    891 Posts
    Tue, Dec 2 2014 3:53 AM

    Our young country club with a total of 6 members competed in the third club vs club Clash event over the Thanksgiving USA weekend. Fescue Sands is the name of our new Country Club. It is clear we showed up for the event.

    After hours of this contest the WGT EVENT TIMER slowly advanced to the end of the event. Exhausted from the effort our six players finally had to choose sleep and neglected to initiate the final request to be paired with another contest. So we finished the event with only eight games and lost the chance to post the final contest. That fact is not now visible because the event closed and shut down all the statistics before I could wake to see the outcomes.

    Before I gave myself permission to leave the contest there was still 3 hours on the event clock. Our Fescue Sands level 3, six member newly formed country club had won 7 of the 8 entered contests, We had amassed an amazing 4,444 competition points. Using the scoring method the minimum possible points per game played would have been all bogey's or worse to achieve 9 points. 

    Missing from the previous paragraph is the actual effort any club has to make to win a contest. Those stats are now vanished forever when the event timer clock hit zero. The standings of every club and their respective levels are gone. The players who completed rounds of golf (whether they used a free pass or purchased a pass for 37 credits or used a club earned super pass) had all the work vanish in an instant.

    Now we are blessed to see the posted WGT outcomes. The total points achieved are gone. The ranking of the club in the event are gone. The player statistics from the event are gone. Missing now is the contest itself and how it occured over a 3 day period of time.

    Congratulation is in order from one person me. For the level 8 clubs and up I tip my hat to your persistence to achieve a group of dedicated players on this format game. I acknowledge my clubs defeat. We did not even make the top 100! We could have been 101 but the stats are gone so we will now never know the truth of how we actually performed.

    Finally here, we did not quit. We fought in the event to the bitter end. We played a lot of rounds of golf. During the event we were ecstatic when we appeared on the leader board in the top 100. (Before going to sleep on Monday morning Indiana USA time 12:30am) Our final view of the statistics showed Fescue Sands Country Club with 6 total members with a combined effort of 4,444 points earned, in 86th position! 

    To that truth: Fescue Sands level 3 Country Club is the grand prize winner for effort!

    Christine Conrad screen name on wgt Clash number 3: silent2hear


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 12:46 PM

    So I guess I am asking if CLASH rounds are ranked as they normally are ?

    What is "normal"?

    But, they are - all strokeplay rounds in your score history are either ranked or tournament.

    Clash rounds are ranked, regardless of the course.But, not all of them count towards the average.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 1:22 PM

    Coming from an owner of 3 CC's

    One: Beware of the greengrocer's apostrophe!

    Two: Who is owner of three CCs? I am owner and member of one and I don't know how to magnify the experience.

    Three: I always tried to understand you but I fail more and more. To my advantage,
    I don't try any more.