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Re: How Would You Run WGT?

Fri, Mar 25 2011 1:46 PM (54 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 8:07 PM

    there is no resources being used by the CPU when running Flashblock.

    Neat trick for a program to run w/o using the CPU!

    WGT will do just fine either way.

    I hope you are right for a change.

    You make it sound like WGT is going to go out of business if one person uses Flashblock for Firefox.

    Good then my message is sinking in.



  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 8:13 PM

    You make it sound like WGT is going to go out of business if one person uses Flashblock for Firefox.

    You were serious?  LOL!!!


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 8:25 PM

    Stop thinking of yourself Andy and thinking your WGT's savior to the people who don't like the ads. Keep in mind, I'm not bothered by the ads. I block flash-ads for the best playability at and surfing the web with lightning speed. Also, no more video buffering issues either, thanks to Flashblock.

    What stake do you have in this argument, to think you need to protect WGT's business decisions? You should fill-out an application for employment.


    edit: Here's the reviews from some very satisfied people who use Flashblock. 4 out of 5 stars.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 8:59 PM

    Stop thinking of yourself Andy and thinking your WGT's savior to the people who don't like the ads.

    Do not take this to a personal level.  Don't assume you know how I think.

    What stake do you have in this argument,

    I already answered this same question from you in another thread.  Please read it.

    Here's the reviews from some very satisfied people who use Flashblock.

    All well and good Rich, I don't care how well it works only that it blocks $ from getting to WGT and could impact the sites viability.

    Don't you like this game and site?  Don't you want it to prosper?

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 9:25 PM

    Andy, Rich, lets keep this civil.  If you guys want to go tit for tat there are a hundred other threads to do that on.  There are no right an wrong answers here, only untested ideas being tossed around right now.  No need to take this to the level of every other thread.  Its optimistic to think the CEO is reading this thread, but who knows.

    Joeyola, didnt mean to poo poo any of your ideas, I read that one piece basically like being sold a car but before signing the papers the salesperson tells me every bad thing that could happen with the car and taking those things as being unique to that car, when in reality its what can happen to any car.  I just see their is going to be fine line in what will scare someone off versus what will educate someone. 

    I guess customer service would come into play on this and many of us want answers to our questions in the form of a more human response.  I think the addition of someone like wgticon has provided some of that for us, but there are always going to be those questions that will never be answered, or answered to our satisfaction.  I think the biggest thing we often hope for is just knowing that someone is reading it. 

    Like the ideas members, keep them coming.  Its an interesting read in how peoples minds work.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 9:36 PM

    I'd charge people 500credits/yr to play, probably... or that they had to fill out a survey every 6 months.

    If WGT is having money problems, the answer isn't lowering the prizes (surefire way to ruin the game, imo) and/or charging those who are actually paying more money... the answer is finding a way to get a little bit of money from the tens of thousands of people that are paying nothing, but still playing the game.  500credits/yr or a survey every 6 months isn't much to ask of them.

    I'd also allow people to pay 1,000 credits to turn off in-game ads for good.

    I'd also clean up the avatars by making some basic avatars and making the default setting such that it would block all player-uploaded avatars unless the player asked to see them... *OR*... I'd give people the ability to police avatars... anytime someone uploaded a new one, the avatar police would vote yay or nay (the only criteria for avatars being that they be not related to porn or gore)... and I'd give the avatar police 1 credit per avatar that they voted on, which would take all of 5 seconds for each one.

    I'd also only allow people to submit 5 bug reports per month so that the annoying idiots that submit 5 bug reports every round would be less annoying and the people with legit gripes could have their bug reports be read.

    I'd also fix the stats, which are currently completely useless, and create stat-based leaderboards.

    Generally speaking, though, I'd get *** done at least twice as fast and make less mistakes.  I like the game, and while I respect the work that went into the foundation, the ongoing development process is a little on the slow side.  That could be for a variety of reasons, such as the employees being bombarded with bug reports... or forums complaints, such as the stuff that went down when levels / tee box changes were implemented.  They were no doubt pretty overwhelmed by the complaints on the forum, but they could've saved themselves from all of that crap if they'd just come out and said that they knew sandbagging was an issue, and they were looking into ways to stop it.  Instead, they didn't say anything, and they let the forums fill up with bitching that nobody would've done had they just said they were aware of the problems and going to take care of them.  WGT really shoots itself in the foot sometimes.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 10:01 PM

    Don't you like this game and site?  Don't you want it to prosper?

    Have faith. Updates and courses are coming contrary to your belief. Also, your posts reveal your thoughts.

    Merry Christmas Andy.

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 12:45 AM

    Joeyola, didnt mean to poo poo any of your ideas

    I understand what you are saying.  There are probably not too many warnings signs posted at stores alerting potential buyers about past recalls.  To be honest, I really had no idea about how this site worked when I first signed up...I thought I could play for free, got hooked, realized I could not compete for free and got my credit card out.  But I stuck it out and enjoy this site very much...I still can't "compete" with the big boys as I don't/won't put in the stick time, but enjoy it just the same...despite the flaws.


  • borntobesting
    9,761 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 2:51 AM


    Flashblock blocks all things flash on the whole page freeing-up resources whether you want to believe it or not. You do research on everything else Andy, research Flashblock and you'll see there is no resources being used by the CPU when running Flashblock. BTW, my meter is flawless.

    You make your ridiculous case about how Flashblock steals money from WGT, and I'll make my case how Flashblock helps members have a better playing experience using Flashblock. Let the members make their own choice Andy. If you don't like to block flash-ads, then don't. WGT will do just fine either way.

    You make it sound like WGT is going to go out of business if one person uses Flashblock for Firefox.


    Think about it Richard Flashblock blocks all things flash so it tries to block the meter and anything else flash which is the game so your PC has to work double just to run the game. A lot of us spend hours and hours trying to make our PCs run clean so flash will work better. And flashblock would make all that work a go for naught. Anything that uses PC resources can slow the game anyway and a program that blocks any of it could make it unplayable.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 6:00 AM

    The great thing about this game is, it's free to play. Joey I agree with what your saying, if you really want to do well in this game you need to spend the $$'s...that's fine with me now, but  I might not have payed to play when I first started, if there was a membership.

    The Adds are a bit of a pain, but I don't really notice them now. One thing though, is the game playing slower now because of the Adds... more things to load, using more memory, maybe causing more glitches...don't know. I know that a few Facebook Apps have membership deals, so you get the extra's with no Adds and the game loads/runs alot faster.
