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Information about release 7/30/2015

Tue, Aug 18 2015 8:16 PM (142 replies)
  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 11:34 AM

    Hi All,

    So from the release yesterday we have some new features, a few fixes, and some issues that we are aware of and working on. Will try my best to address them below and will update this post if more information becomes available. 

    New Features:

    So we now have two new Tiers, Champion and Tour Champion. The requirements for these are:
    - Champion Tier is 200 ranked rounds in Tour Legend on top of what you have already played up until the 7/30 release. 
    -Like other tier requirements there is an average score required.
    -Some of you may have noticed your Average change. Since there was no higher tier to move up to, there was a different calculation to your average. Now that there is a new tier to move up to, the calculation has changed which may have caused a higher average for some players. This change to average became visible after the next ranked round was played. 

    -Tour Champion is an invite only tier after Champion and will require quite a lot of playing to get to.

    Issues We Are Aware Of:

    -There is a small issue with the camera zoom not bringing up the correct camera. Selecting the desired camera view from the mini map will bring it up and this is something we are working on.

    -We are still working on the flashing play now button. Some players (including myself) only have this happening when they have multiple WGT webpages open but others it is always showing. If you have this always showing, you can access the game client from this Link for the time being.

    -There is an issue with the ball blinking on some shots. It doesn't seem to affect game play but we are working on it.


    One thing I am exited about is the Declining invites issue has been fixed. You should be able to decline an invite and have it removed without being logged out/disconnected.

    Will be updating this post to the best of my abilities when new info becomes available.

    All the Best,

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 11:52 AM

    -There is a small issue with the camera zoom not bringing up the correct camera. Selecting the desired camera view from the mini map will bring it up and this is something we are working on.


    Actually many of the forward cameras, the ones used between player and hole, are missing now.

  • SGreene124
    62 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 11:52 AM


    Hi All,

    So from the release yesterday we have some new features, a few fixes, and some issues that we are aware of and working on. Will try my best to address them below and will update this post if more information becomes available. 

    New Features:

    So we now have two new Tiers, Champion and Tour Champion. The requirements for these are:
    - Champion Tier is 200 ranked rounds in Tour Legend on top of what you have already played up until the 7/30 release. 
    -Like other tier requirements there is an average score required.

    -Tour Champion is an invite only tier after Champion and will require quite a lot of playing to get to.

    So, are you saying that we need to play an additional 200 ranked rounds to advance to Champion tier on top of the rounds we have already played in the TL tier? I have played 779 ranked rounds since I have been a TL. So, I need to play another 200 ranked rounds to meet the criteria for Champion tier?

    And what about out averages that has shot up after playing a rank round after the update? I was at 59.88 and shot up to 61.98 after an average round of 65 at BPB. WGTIcon stated that there was a bug and our averages weren't suppose to change, if I remember him saying. And if that was a bug, will those whose averages has been affected be restore back to where it was? 

    And what is the required average we need to meet to advance to Champion tier? 

  • hoptwo
    42 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 11:59 AM

    I'm glad you are working on these issues. Hope the "fix" comes soon. Thank you!


  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 12:01 PM


    -There is a small issue with the camera zoom not bringing up the correct camera. .

    Way to downplay a problem

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 12:04 PM


    And what is the required average we need to meet to advance to Champion tier? 

    WGT has never verifed the averages for any Tier. Never. Never. Never!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 12:05 PM


    -There is a small issue with the camera zoom not bringing up the correct camera. Selecting the desired camera view from the mini map will bring it up and this is something we are working on.


    Actually many of the forward cameras, the ones used between player and hole, are missing now.

    I can't find one missing. What courses Mike?

  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 12:07 PM

    - Champion Tier is 200 ranked rounds in Tour Legend on top of what you have already played up until the 7/30 release. 

    Seems to good to be true- given TL required 400 to saturate as Legend, plus 100 for 500 total RR's. Or- is it saturation as TL plus 200? 

    Oh- I won't be playing any standard RR's until you fix the "average" bug    :)

  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 12:09 PM


    So, are you saying that we need to play an additional 200 ranked rounds to advance to Champion tier on top of the rounds we have already played in the TL tier? I have played 779 ranked rounds since I have been a TL. So, I need to play another 200 ranked rounds to meet the criteria for Champion tier?

    And what about out averages that has shot up after playing a rank round after the update? I was at 59.88 and shot up to 61.98 after an average round of 65 at BPB. WGTIcon stated that there was a bug and our averages weren't suppose to change, if I remember him saying. And if that was a bug, will those whose averages has been affected be restore back to where it was? 

    And what is the required average we need to meet to advance to Champion tier? 

    Hi SGreene124,

    Yes, you would need to play an additional 200 ranked rounds. We are investigating the moving averages for TL's but no news yet.

    All the Best,


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 12:10 PM

    given TL required 400 to saturate as Legend, plus 100 for 500 total RR's. Or- is it saturation as TL plus 200? 

    I'm guessing 700 rounds as a TL or 200 rounds over what you have as of the release along with the requisite average, whatever that is.