fmagnets:4 pics would suffice if you want to do it this way - 3wd, 3H, LW and SW. And I know you're technologically gifted enough to manage this as you already do 4 pics for the stats ;-)
Mags is right: these 4 extra pics would suffice if anyone can't figure out the bag hover...
but 5 seconds of google searching was enough for me to find out how to do it with Windows: e.g this link (including their quick video)
How to Take a Screenshot of a Drop Down Menu
One thing I love about my Mac is the ability to just click Command + Shift + 4 to take a screenshot. It will even take screenshots of right click menus or items I am hovering my mouse over. Sometimes those things are really important! I had difficulty figuring this out on Windows 7 because Print Screen did nothing, but the amazing Beth Kranz knew how to do it! Here you go:
- Open up the Snipping Tool.
- Hit the Escape button.
- Bring up the info/text you are trying to grab (right click, hover, whatever you need to do).
- Press Control and Print Screen at the same time. You should get the same crosshairs you normally do with the Snipping Tool. Use your mouse to select the area you want to grab and work as usual with the Snipping Tool. Voila!
Not having a PC, I can't test this, but it was written with Windows 7 and presumably still works. Edit:
Windows8 & after seem to not need the Escape step:
Capture a snip of a menu
After you open Snipping Tool, open the menu that you want a picture of.
Press Ctrl+PrtScn.
Tap or click the arrow next to the New button, choose the kind of snip you want, and then pick the area of the screen that you want to capture.
Andy: if you want to get mad about this, get mad at WGT engineers for inept programming and help advocate for a fix. If it were my company, I'd be thinking if there can't be confidence in the results of tourneys set up specifically to be level basis across the board, it would reflect on the credibility of the whole game, and I'd want to get it fixed pronto!