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Re: Champions listed by WGT Level

Mon, Sep 13 2021 10:26 PM (97 replies)
  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Fri, Dec 22 2017 8:12 AM

    I think your right about dividing by 100(no wonder my putting sucks,bad math) but thats still $6,752 dollars spent in a year


  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Fri, Dec 22 2017 1:53 PM

    thats still $6,752 dollars spent in a year

    "Freemium games are not truly FREE"





    PS: That episode of South Park had to be written with WGT in mind.

  • Nancy1959
    7,419 Posts
    Thu, Dec 28 2017 11:17 PM


    L200 should be 32,245,392 XPs.


    You are spot on with your calculations!   Level 200 is exactly 32,245,392 points!


  • Nancy1959
    7,419 Posts
    Thu, Dec 28 2017 11:19 PM


    Wow, Nancy!  Level 10,000 is just around the corner!


    I love you, my friend.



    This image is fictional and does not represent an actual player profile of any WGT player.

    LOL, Rach!   :)

  • Nancy1959
    7,419 Posts
    Sun, Dec 31 2017 10:23 PM
    UPDATE: I reached level 200 on New Years Eve at 32,245,392 xp. And then I saw what it takes to reach Level 201. Get this: 2,147,483,647 xp! No, that is not a typo. Over 2.1 billion xp, LOL! I guess WGT decided that they didn't want anyone to go beyond Level 200!!! :)
  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Dec 31 2017 10:26 PM



    I'm just thinking ~2500 champion's and that's still not enough to open Tour Champion.

    I can't understand why....

    You may be looking at it wrong. It was by invitation from the start and that would lead you to believe it required something extra, beyond the numbers, and that something would be at the whim of WGT. Maybe career earnings or tournament wins, IDK.

    Personally, I would lose instant respect for that level if it were to be based on the carded  numbers. It's too easy to fake those. 

    Seems to me like they should assign an arbitrary money winnings level as a ticket to Tour Champion Tier .... $5,000 would put over 250 of the top money earners in Tour Champion Tier, and as more players reach that threshold, they would be moved up also ...

    I know it would lead to a little sandbagging with players only shooting selected tournaments to keep their money winnings lower for a longer time, but anyone wanting to achieve the "Tour Champion" title would have to do it based on performance in money winning competitions alone. 

    One particular problem also is those players who have won a large pot through a sweepstakes and not through tournament or match play performance ... 

    Feedback ???

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Dec 31 2017 10:29 PM

    UPDATE: I reached level 200 on New Years Eve at 32,245,392 xp. And then I saw what it takes to reach Level 201. Get this: 2,147,483,647 xp! No, that is not a typo. Over 2.1 billion xp, LOL! I guess WGT decided that they didn't want anyone to go beyond Level 200!!! :)

    Wow ... only 2 billion 115 million more to go Nancy ...

    You'll get there by March ... :-)

  • pmm711
    5,808 Posts
    Mon, Jan 1 2018 1:33 AM

    UPDATE: I reached level 200 on New Years Eve at 32,245,392 xp. And then I saw what it takes to reach Level 201. Get this: 2,147,483,647 xp! No, that is not a typo. Over 2.1 billion xp, LOL! I guess WGT decided that they didn't want anyone to go beyond Level 200!!! :)

    You sure the New Year's Eve libations weren't playing with your eyeballs?  It's 4:29am in Atlanta and I'm just waking up as I dropped way too early before midnight ...missed the peach drop here.  I was wacked to say the least...hard to remember a match I played.  If my mind was affected maybe yours wa too.  Of course this is merely me spouting. :-/

    Happy New Year!!!!!!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jan 1 2018 1:38 AM

    UPDATE: I reached level 200 on New Years Eve at 32,245,392 xp. And then I saw what it takes to reach Level 201. Get this: 2,147,483,647 xp! No, that is not a typo. Over 2.1 billion xp, LOL! I guess WGT decided that they didn't want anyone to go beyond Level 200!!! :)

    Congrats, and Happy New Year!

    Just to be sure, are you saying that L201 is at 2,147,483,647 XPs?

    That would be a truly ridiculous step, just like CC Level 21!

    It's 66 times as much as the previous number!!