Wow .. I am really afraid to answer this question. But, I feel I owe it to our friend down-under to at least point him in the right direction. Question is, will I be chastised again for a response that I have posted before... I'm so torn.... heads or tails? Ro-sham-bo? Eenie-meanie-miney-mo?
I gotta do it. Damn the consequences...
Mark, please use that search box over there -----> and enter COUNTRIES. You will be sent to a number of threads, some of which will explain that because you can actually win monetary prizes, the folks at WGT and their bean-counters can't agree with their lawyers on what is legal and what is not legal for international games of chance and whatnot. (Hell, in Canada they have to answer a bloody MATHS question if they win a lottery!)
Now, that's my opinion.. below me are going to be others who disagree and will chastise me for trying to help and will tell you I am full of... well.. stuff.
Good luck mate, hope this helps.