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Re: Join the WGT Community on IRC

Sat, Apr 16 2011 12:30 PM (38 replies)
  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2008 7:34 PM

    So you're tired of being cut off after the last putt on #9 and wish there was a place to chat about your round after it's over?  Do you wish you could tell that friend inviting you on #8 to just give you 10 minutes?  Or maybe just wish there was a place to meet and hang out with other top level WGT players to discuss the game, golf or whatever else?  Just trying to find people who won't quit on your foursome?  Then IRC is where you need to be! 

    IRC stands for 'Internet Relay Chat' and is just a fancy way of saying group chat room.  No voice, just simple text.

    Channel #WGT on

    If you've never been on IRC before it's really simple to get involved. All you need is an IRC Client like mIRC(PC), HydraIRC (PC) or Ircle(Mac).  There are plenty of other IRC clients out there, but those are probably the most widely used on their respective platforms.  IRC uses little to no CPU resources or bandwidth. Being connected will not interfere with your game performance!

    There are two ways to get easily connected:

    Option #1:  (Download Required - Recommended)

    1. Download mIRC for PC , Download HydraIRC for PC or Download Ircle for Mac .  All of these programs are free to download and use.  mIRC specifically is downloaded through CNET who certifies all of their downloads so they are virus/spyware/malware free.
    2. Install and run the program you've selected.  If you are running mIRC you'll see a favorites box pop up when you start.  Close that and look for the chat bar at the very bottom.
    3. At the bottom, type in /server 6667
    4. Then type in /join #WGT

    Option #2: (Mibbit Browser Based Chat / No Download / First Time Users)


    2.  Type a nickname into the box and click CONNECT

    3.  You are connected! 

    4.  Type /nick <your name> to set/change your username if you didn't choose one in the first step.

    5.  Click on the word IDLERS in the top right to display the users in the channel

    6.  Say hello! =)

    Please Note: The #1 reason people can't complete the instructions above is because they are using a backslash ( \ ) instead of a forward slash ( / ).  The forward slash is the one under the question mark.  Make sure you're entering the commands with the correct slash. =)

    That's it!  If you have any questions or troubles getting set up then just post them in this thread, otherwise I look forward to seeing you all there!

  • 2Stroke
    6 Posts
    Wed, Dec 3 2008 2:33 PM


    Some of us have joined nivlac on IRC.  Would it be possible to get a sticky put up about this so the info doesn't get lost.  As more folks join up out there they might want to join us.


  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Thu, Dec 4 2008 8:21 AM

    Thanks to everyone who's been stopping in and supporting this so far.  Hopefully we can grow this into something big.  It really makes it easy to meet folks and talk about your round mid-game with others.  Shooting the breeze after the round is over is a nice bonus too (and something folks have requested here).  I've gotten quite a few games setup and gotten to know a few new folks already too.  Looking forward to meeting even more! :D

    Come on by and check us out, you too Alex, we'd love to have ya! :)

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Thu, Dec 4 2008 2:06 PM

     niv nice job you did setting up the chat room. Good job, People will be able to meet and have fun.  Thx for making the site more enjoyable.   fuzzygazz

  • Hotai
    12 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2009 3:49 AM

    Thanks,  nivlaC, that was easy enough.

  • idontno
    8 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2009 12:58 PM


    having  troubles  doing  this ...what  am  i  doing  wrong ..can  you  post  something  easerer

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2009 1:06 PM

    Not really, no, that's about as straight-forward as I can tell it.  What part are you having a problem with?  Have you downloaded a program yet?

  • idontno
    8 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2009 5:53 PM

     hi  niviac...i  got  it  i  put in on  the  channel  box  that  all..i  think  i  was  there  but  it  was  empty  so  not  sure  if  i  have  it  right  TY

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2009 6:46 PM

    When you open mIRC it usually pops up a favorites box.  Just close that when it pops up.  In the text bar at the very bottom, type in step 3 and then type in step 4.


  • dacsyr1
    26 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2009 7:12 PM


    i am on but seems like i am the only one