Hey Ellis Kobalt and Cool, incredible job with making this, without a doubt, one of the best community tournaments to date on WGT. You have raised the level of competition to a new height, and you have made by far the biggest and most wide-spread tournament to date. You have found 66 entries in this event, including two players with scoring averages under 60, as well as ten players with averages under 63. You have in your event some of the most notable names on WGT, people like Faterson and Salamii, TaterNater and Plim, Edchavez and Mfandrews, Coolswing and ChrisCrosby, Thunderbird and MyNadsItch, JonnyBau and Jasondement, and scores of others. You have completed fourteen matches without one major mishap and only positive comments. You have created organized tables and schedules and put up a new, improved, and neat thread that has gotten many thank-yous and will continue to do so. You have heralded the one Legend Tier belt-holder and praised the Hack Tier holder, and made every one in between feel just as important in winning the famed WGT Belt. You have made us wait on the edge of our seats as matches like Zant vs. Thunderbird played out, matches that have never been rivaled in WGT history in terms of skill level on both ends. Never has there been such talent as there is in WGT Belt, taking the masters and pros and amateurs alike and sorting them in a way that makes sure that only the worthy play each other and never is there a blow-out - only top-notch matches that are more even than two slices of bread. And still the cycle continues, just two weeks into this everlasting event, one that will now and forevermore be considered one of the greatest on WGT. Soon, I'm sure, we will see ads for belt-matches, be they for any tier, and everyone will be wondering what will happen. And the WGT Belt will have succeeded, as it is now, in starting a well-run, organized tournaments that people enjoy. I conclude, once more, by giving many thanks to the leaders of what could be the best tournament on WGT: EllisSpice, Kobalt46, and Coolswing. (Please do not include me, as I only stated a little bit of the organization - the beginning idea was Ellis's and it was a wonderful one!) Please join me in echoing my sentiments for this Legend tier-esque tournament and never stop signing up and never stop playing!