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Sat, May 7 2022 5:53 PM (542 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Apr 8 2018 5:56 PM

    Another week on the 9 .  As I did not get the info as to not eat the brown acid we think we saw something on 8 before passing out or going into a " dream " state of mind .

    The grass was tall and soft and the sky was bright in the night , As I lay as a child in my own mind I saw more than I know . or not enough ?  

    On hands and knees I did crawl back to base camp only to find I never left . Or did I ?


  • TopShelf2010
    10,951 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 5:16 AM


  • ScottHope
    10,530 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 8:37 AM

    Chambers Bay Hole 9


    Not Applicable / Searched

    Don (TopShelf)



    Chambers Bay Hole 8


    Not Applicable / Searched

    Don (TopShelf)



    Hole #1. (YancyCan)

    Hole #2. (drmoose)

    Hole #3. (drmoose)

    Hole #4. (drmoose)

    Hole #5. (YancyCan)

    Hole #6. (ScottHope)

    Hole #7. (Bradwiz)

  • TopShelf2010
    10,951 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 9:10 AM


  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 9:22 AM

    Did someone ask for a grid?

    Fantastic work, oh guru of grids ! I'll start workin' up the coordinables of what's what & whatnots, Cerealbly, I think this may just have revolutionized our whole search process. Many thanks, interweb overlord, Generalissimo ScottHope.

    Doc :)

  • ScottHope
    10,530 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 9:36 AM

    You're welcome fellas, thank you.  ; )

    I've put a red tinted box over the non-searchables, so if you want any other coordinate to have that tint as well for any reason, just shout. 

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 12:17 PM

    've put a red tinted box over the non-searchables, so if you want any other coordinate to have that tint as well for any reason, just shout. 

    Roger that, Generalissimo. I will forward coodinates of additional areas where the camera angles do not allow viable shots of terrain for objects to be visible.

    Doc :)

    Troops, i'm gonna suggest we commence searching a 6 block grid 2 x 3 adjoining. I'll take FGH 7 & 8 . Providing nothing is located, i will post so here and request confirmation from one of you. Once the area has been cleared ( verified ) we will update the map. By constantly narrowing our search area, if the objects are there, it can only be a matter of time before they are found. Carry on.


    Update: Initial recon of sectors FGH 7&8 on three excursions, negative. Will revisit tomorrow an' if nothing is located, request confirmation. Once confimation is received, Generalissmo Hope, at the controls, will shade that area out, an' we will move on. Stay with us now.

    Doc :)


    Update: Just had a lookie at the map, we now have realtime updates available via Generalissmo Hopes' computer prowess.Them things can hide, but they can't run. Have at 'em fellers.

    Doc :)

  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 3:15 PM

    Now this is impressive. Not suprising, knowing our community though.

    My latest may or may not be something --- again taken late at night, this one is hole #8 & I was not paying attention to shots taken and when i tried to get that lil bit closelier, it didnt show a "next" course image - doh!



  • TopShelf2010
    10,951 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 3:31 PM


  • TopShelf2010
    10,951 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 4:46 PM
