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Re: interesting clash points

Wed, Nov 7 2018 2:45 AM (81 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, Oct 16 2018 12:36 AM


    Seems like you are missing the point Paul. They are saying these players are not playing the Clash course (St A in this case), but are using a bug that allows them to score points on Bo5. 

    How do we “engage” the bug? We all know how the XP bug works...why hasn’t anyone come forward with this BOP5 loophole? Nobody on this site can remain that f-ing quiet. I doubt it exists until someone lets the cat out of the bag.

    I think we can all, well most of us anyway, agree that there is a bug in the system.

    The points being discussed here are those earned purely by how you played the round, there are no bonuses included.  Clearly something is screwed up.

    As for how this can be activated.....   Remember the XP bug?  How the hell did someone figure out how to make that work?  There may be some weird combination of shots that result in this scoring.  Given that this is giving certain clubs an advantage I think it's unlikely that one of their members will blab about it.

    The XP bug didn't benefit anyone at the expense of someone else, there was no reason to keep it secret.

  • craigswan
    32,163 Posts
    Tue, Oct 16 2018 2:44 AM

    Our club plays the free superpasses and then stop .

    We get in the top 500 everytime - get a free custom course to help tier up our cc and move on .

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Tue, Oct 16 2018 8:28 AM

    I think I have a grasp of what is happening from the post above.  I don't know that anything special has to be done.  It may simply be a matter of being able to activate the superpass on the intended round.

    During a clash when you play about any other course, even if you set it up yourself... I occasionally see a really quick screen flash of the "superpass option" before switching over to the normal option of whether you want to use a pass.  Now... if there is a way to pause or quickly check that superpass before it goes away (we are talking a very quick flash on the screen) then I think it is possible to get the superpass activated.  

    So, I don't know if anything special has to be done.  It is similar to the design issue we have seen on other aspects of the game where what use to be an option is phased out and while it flashes momentarily on the screen … WGT has essentially disabled it, but it still allows for this quick flash, because during a clash that is typically the screen you will see before your round.  In essence, WGT has tried to fix it, but some people may have found a way to act quickly enough to still engage the superpass even if it is pure chance or luck.  

    For example, once they know the proximity on the screen where the screen flash will occur, they may simply be setting up the round, positioning their mouse and then trying to time the mouse click that engages the superpass when it "flashes on the screen"... sort of like trying to ding the meter … I am guessing like we all do occasionally even on a really fast meter... you could get lucky and activate a superpass.  Just my theory or thought how it might be happening.  If there were a way to freeze or pause the script loading the superpass option that may make it even more possible.  

    Given we know what is going on, it isn't a secret... it is just a matter of time until others catch on to how to exploit it... that said, it could also be deemed against the terms and conditions to manipulate the game to gain an unfair advantage... but that is up to WGT to determine how to handle those who abuse it.  


  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, Oct 16 2018 10:37 AM


    Again, NOBODY on this site can remain that f-ing quiet.  In a world of alts...seriously?  I just have to laugh.

    So do you not accept that there may be a way for someone to be awarded more points that they earned?  Haven't enough very knowledgeable players have stated that these points are a glitch.  If only a handful know about it so far then it could remain a secret for a while at least.

    I agree that in time it will probably be blabbed about but given that there is a real advantage to be gained for those who give a crap about clashes then I think there's a chance the few people in the know are keeping their gobs shut about it.

    Damn, I should have known better than to post in a clash thread.  One of the best ideas WGT ever had but implemented in a truly dreadful way.

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, Oct 16 2018 10:46 AM

    Here, how can anyone still doubt that there's a bug:


    I can say with 100% certainty that this bug exists.

    It only happens every now and then and I am not sure how to replicate it but I have seen the blue super pass option come up for me during a clash whilst I was setting up another round on a different course other than the one that the clash was currently running on.

    I guess that if you try to start a round and do not get the super pass option you just keep backing out of the game until you do get it.

    This cheating club use this to set up a BOP 5 18 hole round as this gives you the best chance of scoring big points and thus also gets you the 6 times score multiplier. I have also checked with other members of MEGA CC and we can trace this club doing this at least twice against MEGA CC and that we also suspect another club of using the same bug.

    The maximum score roughly in points that you could get during the clash for a 9 hole round would be lets say a birdie on each hole with super pass means 24 points each hole equals 216 points these players were getting well over 350 points. It was the fact that 2 players at this club used this bug to get the 6 times and 5 times multipliers that won them the clash (around 4000 points between them and we have screen shots as proof). You can also look at these 2 players playing record against us during the clash there is a record in their score histories about playing BOP5 18 holes whilst the actual clash was on St Andrews .One player never even played on St Andrews but he had a big points score counting in the clash ; how ? this bug.

    I have no desire that these players be sanctioned or that their club be banned from the clash all I want is for WGT to admit  that the bug exists and just fix it.

    WGT have known about this issue for some time as it was reported months ago by another club and all they said was that they would look into it but they have obviously not done enough if anything.

    Until WGT fix this the clash is further devalued as a competition and if MEGA CC come up against this club again I will not play in it . MEGA CC will not resort to using this bug we know it exists but we will not cheat ; if any club needs to cheat like this to win I feel sorry for them.


  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 5:28 AM

    hmmm . . .

    I see this time round we have floating ghosts (which I'm sure any club would be thrilled to have).

    Am I alone in thinking that floating balls might have been a better idea?



    *splosh* dangit

  • BHenke2
    397 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 5:56 AM

    I have a theory on how this may have happened. I played a alternate shot match last night while the clash was going on with four players from my club. When the match started it gave me the option to use a super pass, of course nobody did. I am thinking that if you were to set up an 18 hole stroke play between another club member that it may give you the option to use a super pass and therefore reward those points towards the clash totals.

    Disclaimer: I in no way have any proof to this theory and have not tested it to see if that is how these players were doing this. My theory is only based on how I had the option to use a super pass during an alternate shot match between club members while the clash was going on. 

  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 6:20 AM

    The question is whether or not they have fixed the floating super passes yet, lol.

  • GrahamB2014
    2,192 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 9:07 AM

    I doubt it just have a look at the playing records of the owner and directors at this Spanish club mentioned in this thread ; for this clash 84 ( 18th & 19th October )  period most if not all have played multiple times the BOP 5 18 holes.

    This is becoming a joke WGT need to do something about this and confirm to us all that they are taking this matter seriously and fix it for all the honest clubs out there.


  • Corrochano007
    83 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 2:28 PM

    Here is proof of this issue as BHenke2 suggested prevoiuoslly

    As you can see on the picture, we setup a stroke play Best of par 5 18holes among 3 players from our CC and when we tee off, WGT offered us the option to use a superpass

    And this, of course , was during the current Clash at Pebble beach (the first hole at Best of Par Five is Pebble Beach), we forfeited the game (as you can see at the top) but again this is a bug, and it can be replicated anytime, WGT should do something about it