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Re: Christmas in July Day 2

Wed, Jul 25 2018 7:04 AM (133 replies)
  • AlaskanDame
    19,719 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:32 AM

    Here's the list of gifts already given throughout Day 1 and 2 (updated every 1/2 hour or sooner):

    Christmas in July 2018
    Gifted to:

    alaskandame - speed boosts
    ArlieJack - Driver
    bossbird - sleeve + 5 passes 

    bubbsboy - sleeves

    ct690911 - putter
    cyril752 - sleeve

    DarkenRahl - sleeves
    derryyumphla - sleeve
    duda51 - sleeve

    Durwin7 - driver

    gaztx - sleeve
    glpark - sleeve
    iberry2 - sleeve
    insyncjoe - sleeve
    janfidu26 - passes
    kenstone - Putter
    mkaller - sleeve
    Mikeyperc - sleeve
    motoko - sleeve

    mrm6400 - sleeves
    nomadsdad - sleeve
    OoiSparkyioO - sleeve
    opyeuclid - sleeve
    reddog1965 - sleeve
    roncarr - sleeve
    stickmangolf() - Driver (when he reaches level 48)
    taurean28 - Driver
    twinponds169 - sleeve
    tymacni - sleeve

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:32 AM




    Thank you so much Brian. I have sent a PM to you and I am proud to call you a friend and fellow maritimer.



  • twinponds169
    3,050 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:41 AM


    Dear Santa 

    I wish to get all the balls back that ended in one of the magnetic lakes here.

    If that is too much I would like some of the Callaway level 45/legend balls.

    I cant watch videos or stuff to get free credits here in my country. And due too my health situation I do not have much money. So I decided to ask for the balls here.

    Thank you,  Friedel

    Friedel, I went to send you some sleeves but this ball does not have a gift option available when I tried. This is a ball that I believe only Champ or Shamwow have the ability to send to you. Keep an eye out!



  • adrian98essex
    19 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:46 AM

    Hi Santa,


    could you help me with my putting? I’d like level 92 ghost spider putter please! Thank you for your good work throughout the year!



  • SeabrookFlash
    463 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:46 AM

    Hi Santa, 

    I've never done this before and am hopeful to find a surprise in my golf bag.  I would really love the Callaway level 99 3 wood.  Thank you in advance and even if I am not so lucky, I think that Christmas in July is a great idea and applaud y'all for doing it.




    5 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:49 AM

    Dear Santa, just played my 150th day and hit level 91, just need the max 64 degree wedge to finish the collection or failing thata sleeve of balls, either would be appreciated thanks. 

  • derryyumphla
    323 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:51 AM

    Thanks Santa for my beautiful sleeve of balls.

    They will go very well with the Snowflake Ball effects that WGT Champion sent yesterday


    Best. July. Christmas. EVER!

  • Tk0071967
    47 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:53 AM

    Dear Santa,


    Thank you for being such a generous person and spreading the love. If I were to get a gift I would be happy with anything. I earn my credits by watching videos and participating in surveys so I don't spend much on improved clubs or balls. A sleeve of balls of your choice would be a great present. Merry Summer!



  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 9:58 AM



    Dear Santa 

    I wish to get all the balls back that ended in one of the magnetic lakes here.

    If that is too much I would like some of the Callaway level 45/legend balls.

    I cant watch videos or stuff to get free credits here in my country. And due too my health situation I do not have much money. So I decided to ask for the balls here.

    Thank you,  Friedel

    Friedel, I went to send you some sleeves but this ball does not have a gift option available when I tried. This is a ball that I believe only Champ or Shamwow have the ability to send to you. Keep an eye out!



    Oh, I didn´t know that it isn´t possible to gift this balls. But thank you very much for your try, TP. I really appreciate it. 

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 10:02 AM

    Such a neat program and so many considerate and generous members and it is also great to see WGT involved in this as well.

    Since this may seem like a big ask/request, I will submit it here as a "Christmas wish" that could potentially be filled by Christmas...

    My Christmas in July wish is to hopefully see a Callaway 64deg Jaws Wedge that I believe is also carried by Phil in his bag that coincides with the current Callaway Mack Daddy wedges and plays to 50 yards full wedge shot and the 4.5 meter speed as well as the other more playable specs provided on what are already the most expensive wedges on WGT...   

    Here is the kicker... I will save up the credits to purchase the wedge myself if it can be made available.  

    I have upgraded to the Mack Daddy wedges to try and improve my timing and have more consistent meter speeds across my clubs.  Previously, I had already been playing the highest AVG wedges, the different meter speeds seem to throw me off.  I then upgraded to the Mack Daddy wedges but the disparity between the Mack Daddy wedge meter and the AVG meter started to be noticeable with timing / ding percentage.  So I eventually upgraded to the Max Meter wedge, but the specs for that hi end wedge seem to play more like the mid level AVG wedges because it lacks spin in particular for such a hi end wedge.  I am doing the best I can with it and leave it in my bag because it is the closest meter speed to the Mack Daddy wedges.  

    I haven't gone so far to try or buy the only other remaining hi end wedge available -- the Cleveland... well because I have already invested so much on trying to upgrade wedges and the Cleveland also has the faster meter speed.  So it may not resolve this disparity and would feel like a gamble to try it out until the next free trial weekend.

    Desktop players seem to adapt to playing the wedges with different meter speeds but I have found going back and forth between playing on desktop and the mobile platform the speed difference really shows up the most on the mobile platform which effects my timing the most.  Since a lot of coin games can come down to 1 shot in a playoff meter speed consistency matters even more!

    So, there it is...   Like I said, I know it is a big request which is why I am placing it now for possible release by Christmas : )  

    Thanks again for your generosity in July and I will look over to see if there is anyone I can assist!