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Re: Tiger Woods Pga Tour Online

Thu, Nov 5 2009 9:38 AM (96 replies)
  • Lysti
    323 Posts
    Mon, Oct 26 2009 2:12 PM

    I play them both. I just take them for what they are.....just a game   =)

  • ahughes
    8 Posts
    Mon, Oct 26 2009 2:18 PM

    i have got to admit that tiger woods online is better and more fun. i still play here on wgt but not as much

  • Lysti
    323 Posts
    Mon, Oct 26 2009 2:24 PM

    AHughs yes it's another fun game for us, I will always play both though as they are two very different games.

  • Syn7aX
    64 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2009 11:01 AM

    The reason I will stay here is I like to play at work.  I am in the IT feild and on my downtime I like to fit in a few rounds.  Since I work for a very large company I dont think the ports are open in order to authenticate  the login when I try to launch TWO and play now.  I have told them that they should take down the message that says you can play anywhere, home, work, traveling, etc.  All of the people I see in there forums with this issue they say to check for certain ports to be opened.  How many people at work are going to be able to request a port to be opened so I can get in a round of golf, LOL, yeah right.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 2:53 PM

    Some of you participating in their beta may have received an email to a survey today.

    The survey was small and contained the usual questions you'd expect.  How old are you?  How much do you play?  Do you play on World Golf Tour?  Which do you prefer? (gee I wonder)

    But then there was the last few questions and dollars started flying around.  It seems that TWO so far is considering a few pricing point options that they wanted opinions on.

    The options given were subscription based of course:

    $8.99 for 1 month, $35.99 for 6 months, $59.99 a year & lastly, 5 rounds @ $4.99.

    While nothing is set in stone, I'm sure you can expect the actual numbers to fall in the ballpark of these estimated figures.  Is there anyone out there who really wants to pay $59.99 a year for a game where you can't win anything REAL?  What's the difference between this and buying the newest console edition every year? 

    For all the 'advancement' it's amazing how we're still stuck in the same place we were a few years ago with buying a new 'game' every 12 month cycle. 

    At least here, the money you spend might one day net you a trip to Pinehurst or St. Andrews.  That alone is enough to secure my permanent allegiance to WGT.

    *stirs pot*

  • TaterNater
    545 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 3:05 PM

    I quit playing TWO for this reason.U are playing for nothing of importance. And now i hear they are thinking of charging u to play. agree 100% with u niv.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 3:09 PM

    I'm willing to bet that there will be 'real' prizes given out once the game comes out of Beta.  It may only happen in particular flights that have to be bought into, but I'm sure at the top level there will be some decent goodies up for grabs.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they have in store.  Naturally, if nothing were to be given out, there wouldn't be many who would bother with the subscription fees.  They'd just go play the game on the console for free.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 3:25 PM

    One thing to keep in mind also is that for those of us who have been here for the last year, we've had our share of expenses.  Let's look at a skeleton breakdown of the progression of what many of us have gone through as product has been offered.

    • Tour Starter set -$7.82
    • Tour Burner Set $24.21
    • G10 Master set -26.35
    • Spider/Asner putter- $4.00
    • Redwood putter - $6.00

    That's $63.38 spent over the last year, and that doesn't even include any additional wedges or other club sets bought, or the price of balls used (which, at say 9 rounds per sleeve with an average of 9 rounds played per week using the GI-D balls will equal another $23.00 per year...just for balls!!)

    Of course, some of that would have been offest buy the buyback feature and some credit winnings, but the point is that it hasn't been, and won't be, cheap to play here either.  If you weren't one of the fortunate ones to have won a trip, then really all you got was credits, which isn't a 'real' prize either since you can't trade them in for actual money.

    Business is business, whether it be EA Sports or World Golf Tour inc.  It will be interesting to see which business model offers the best product and prizes once they are both out of Beta.

  • cobra4
    359 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 3:30 PM

    Sorry for acting a little dumb here guys.

    I know WGT is in beta at the moment,(which i presume Beta means trying & testing),i maybe wrong. But...when the beta is over on WGT, will we have to pay monthly subscription fees as well to access this game,or will we just play as we are now. And how long does beta actually last, it is something i don't realy know much about, so maybe one of  you guys can actually tell us not so clever ones what all this means and where we will end up in months to come...Thanx

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 3:37 PM

    Cobra4, the business model being used here is that of micro-transactions, meaning that there probably won't be a subscription fee to play, just the constant maintenance of upgrading equipment and accessories for your golfer.  As my skeleton breakdown of cost above shows, in order to be competitive here is just as costly as a subscription will be elsewhere.

    As far as how long in Beta:  This game technically has been in Beta for 2 + years already, and there's still a long way to go before they take it out of Beta.  We could be looking at another 2+ years in Beta here, though one would hope it would be finished a lot sooner than that.