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Re: swing meter skip

Sun, Jan 10 2010 11:15 AM (36 replies)
  • chuckiee
    2,194 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 5:14 AM

    Finally someone from wgt addmits there is a problem now lets fix it and give the man his money back. I'll personaly will take my losses but if your going to sell something you should have a refund policy if someones not satisfied with there purchase.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 5:57 AM

    V-The menu is in the game and you need to click on the advanced tab.




  • Vgolfmaster
    68 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 12:53 PM

    Found it and tested it YJ, and still the same.

    Has anyone had luck getting a refund and going back to the starter clubs? I can't justify paying for them if it doesn't help me improve, at the hands of the swing meter.


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 1:00 PM

    I think buying Beta software implies that the software might not work properly. That's the meaning of the word "Beta". If the meter skipping is as severe as you describe it, have you never noticed this while playing with the free equipment? If yes, why would you put money in such a game?

    In short, it doesn't seem like you have a legal basis to demand your money back.

  • GerryTS
    122 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 1:16 PM

    Mr. Faterson, no disrespect but I think it is more about customer satisfaction than a legal issue here. Just my thought.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 1:38 PM

    I think if they started returning money for the purchase of Beta software, it might trigger an avalanche (create a dangerous precedent, from WGT's point of view).

    I just can't imagine why anyone would invest a substantial amount of money into a game that doesn't work for him/her. And if it's not a substantial amount, why bother about requesting a refund (for Beta software, too)? I missed the bus & had to take a cab earlier today; whoa, that's $10 out of the window, or a G10 driver I'd like to have!  

  • Vgolfmaster
    68 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 1:40 PM

    Holy jeez Faterson, I'm not looking to hire a lawyer and attack WGT's terms, I'm just unhappy woth the product, and want a refund. I'm willing to relenquish the clubs, in order to revert back to the starters, so I'm not looking for a free ride either.

    And even though it shouldn't matter, but I was hopeful that the meter skip and lag was a part of the starters, and motivation to upgrade. Unfortunately nothing changed with the upgraded clubs.

    I'd also be happy to keep them if I knew that WGT was aware of these issues AND were working on a fix, but I have seen no responses showing any interest in looking at this from a programming perspective. Everything in the forums is about making adjustments to a users machine. While there are sure adjustments to be made in some situations, why does it have to end with 'that's all we can do for you' once all of the mods are tested, and do not work. This is NOT on my end, i assure you, and if this is all they have to offer, then I want out, that simple. It isn't even about the cost of the clubs, but the principle. They are generating revenue, and doing nothing to alleviate these issues that are spread over a multitude of users.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 1:40 PM

    V-I think there's an answer here, we/you just have to find it. There's too many people playing this game and having huge fun to give up trying to get it right. It starts with the equipment. What are you using? What is your internet connection?

    You made a comment in an earlier post about your flash setting being set to high. One of the suggestions in Alex's recommended moves was to set this to low. Little things like this would make a difference if you were on the "edge" of the minimum requirements to play, for instance.

    Basically, if you and I have the same equipment, same internet connection and same settings we should have the same problems. Mine are extremely minor aside from the occasional meterfart.

    I have noticed something in my own routine that makes a bit of a difference. A cold reboot of the entire laptop and the game plays much smoother, at first. The more games I play the more evident the minor problems become, almost as if the game was deteriorating slightly. Clearing caches and restarting browsers usually tones it down but it's never as smooth as when I first start up. Interesting.

    I would be willing to spend 18 holes figuring this out with you if you're interested. Friend me up and PM me if you want. Like I said, there's too many people having a good time with this.


  • Vgolfmaster
    68 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 1:43 PM


    Perhaps the better question would be WHY are they charging for upgrades within BETA software? Isn't the purpose of BETA software to test, before writing the final product? So let us test, and test for free, and we will give you all of the feedback you could ever dream of.

    Charge me and give me a shitty product, and expect me to NOT say anything? Isn't that how most hedge funds are successful....... Try looking at things from someone else's perspective, it can be very refreshing and eye opening.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 1:52 PM

    I have seen no responses showing any interest in looking at this from a programming perspective.

    You're not following the forums carefully. WGTadmin said clearly WGT are diligently working down the list of "dozens of possible causes [on WGT's end] for meter skipping" (quoting from memory), and asked us for our patience.

    And again, it's no use trying to dodge the Beta issue. Beta software, by definition, is buggy. It's astounding how enjoyable this game is, despite all the bugs. But I haven't yet heard of anyone being refunded for the purchase of Beta software. If this weren't Beta software, I'd say your request was justified. But it is Beta. The upgrades were optional and the game is fully playable without upgrades.