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Re: Deliberate disconnections

Sun, Sep 16 2012 2:07 PM (49 replies)
  • Zippy-Pivot
    257 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 5:02 PM
    As the % rating is calaculated at the 25 cents worth...its useless. Played my first multi game, never got off the tee box.....waiting for my partner to connect..........which never occured. He disconnects and I'm at the tee box by myself.I'm supposed to be playing a tourney game, so I disconnect and resend the invite. Guess what...........I'm down to 73% and never quit a game yet on anyone but Get rid of it WGT and spend your time on the eliminating the lag!!
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 5:17 PM

    The common player and site user knows that we urgently need an anti-quitting measure on this site. Reputation tracking is a great idea, but it must be implemented correctly. The good news is that it's very easy to implement it correctly. No significant effort on the programmers' part is needed to fix this urgently needed feature. Please see the 3 items below for details.

    I had two drop out on me before we reached the first green.

    That is a common experience.

    We appreciate the feedback, and would like to hear more about how you think the feature can evolve to make everyone happy.

    OK, here goes... We said it all before in this thread, and we said it before the product update. Unfortunately, WGT did not take our remarks into account. Here is my attempt to summarize the 3 main points. If WGT employs them, I'm certain that reputation tracking can be restored to reflect what it was originally intended to mean.

    1. At the moment when a player is left alone on the course by everyone else, please automatically convert the former multi-player round into a single-player round. In other words, disregard that round for the player's reputation ranking. In fact, when this happens over in TWO – they have lots of quitters, too – a dialog window pops up, explicitly asking the player (quoting from memory): "Your opponent in this match disconnected. Do you wish to continue this round in single-player mode?" The player then clicks a button and can (but doesn't have to) continue the round. That's a nice, clear-cut division between what are multi-player and single-player rounds.
    2. If someone abandons someone else in a multi-player game, no matter for what reason (real-life emergency, software problems, willfulness, whatever), when that player attempts to launch a new round, pop up a window for him, saying: "You dropped out of your most recent multi-player round. Do you wish to finish this round in single-player mode? If not, your Reputation ranking will be affected." This is a fair requirement to make on anyone who prematurely abandons a multi-player round. For those who are not habitual quitters, this will occur infrequently, so that they'll be able to afford to forfeit the round even at the expense of their otherwise high reputation, or they will simply finish that round in single-play mode, which will be no strain because it will happen infrequently for them. The real quitters, though, will feel the full impact of this rule, which is exactly what we're after.
    3. If all players in a multi-player round disconnect within 30 seconds, do not change the reputation ranking for any of the players. This is because, if everyone disconnects within the same time-frame, this will suggest it happened either by mutual agreement (for example, it was a sudden-death shootout), or everyone experienced some sort of software bug, the game froze, etc. As soon as someone prematurely disconnects from a game, make a dialog box pop up for all the remaining players, with a clock counting down 30 seconds. The dialog might say: "It appears your opponent in this match, X, disconnected prematurely. In order to force X to finish the round later on or receive a penalty, please do not disconnect within the next 30 seconds. You may also continue playing your round immediately." The clock would be counting down the 30 seconds, say in the top right corner of the screen, and once the 30 seconds are over, the player who had disconnected would be required to finish that round later on in single-player mode, or see his reputation drop.

    Alex, that is all. Only 3 points. But if you implement these 3 points, the reputation ranking will faithfully and fairly reflect the players' completion rate in multi-player matches. No one will ever be unjustly penalized, no matter what may have caused a disconnection. The 3 items, as described above, may appear more complicated than they really are. They are actually extremely simple, all 3 of them. I'll be happy to explain this further, if anything in the 3 items above is unclear.

    Thanks again to you and WGT developers for giving this a thought.

  • foreveraltared
    3 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 5:18 PM

    I would like to say that disconnects are part of the game.  I will choose real life over the game any day.  Those I play with know that if I have to go, then I have to go.  Just because I have newly born twins that mini emergencies happen, shouldnt mean that I need to not play anymore on the possibility of having to disconnect.

  • KnuckleWoods
    2,529 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 5:40 PM

    If a person disconnects during a game Whats the BIG DEAL???  Easy solution,,,, DON'T PLAY WITH THEM AGAIN.  It's going to happen for some reason or another.  I think there are bigger issues that need to be worked on then this one. This is a great game and lets keep working on those issues that affect the way the game plays and not the people that play it.  I have met some great people on this site and also some not so great people. But thats what makes the world go round. So when someone disconnects on you DELETE them off your friends list.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 5:54 PM

    KnuckleWoods, that's very naive, as is Lvietri's "pencil and paper" method. That just doesn't work on a huge web site like this, with thousands of users. Even if your private list of players to avoid were hundreds of names long, there would still be thousands upon thousands of other quitters, as yet unknown to you, to ensure the disruption and failure of most of the random multi-player rounds you ever join on this site. We do need reputation tracking.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 5:57 PM

    The problem is.....the feature is here, so it must work properly. Although I do not agree with the way this problem has been discussed today, Fatersons last post makes good sense.

    *edit*  two posts ago

    This is beta software so it is our duty as beta testers to find the bugs and give feedback to make the site better.


    Weather or not you agree with the reputation tracking lets try and be positive and resolve the issue.

    *side note* The multiple pins on bethpage are great.

    Having quit one multi player 'practice' round today (to bring in another player) and completing two other 'practice' rounds and having my rep at 60% is kind of silly. 

    I do think WGT will set all this to rights if we give them good and constructive feedback.

    Thanks for your time and happy hitting

  • 5419
    79 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 6:30 PM

    once again wind bag has 5000 word diatribe about meaningless stranger filled multi-player "match" who cares. 1948 forum posts 181 rounds played go pound the golf ball and quit pounding the keyboard.

    could not have said it better. But do not complain to WGT, he is teflon

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 6:54 PM

    I got my rep up to 86% now, so it's nice to see it go above 80%.

  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 5:07 PM

    No Post

  • dendom1205
    1 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 6:30 PM
    Only the habitual quitters will defend any and all reasons why they should be punished for quitting. If a 3 point penalty and a dent in their reputation was enforced after 3 disconnects, maybe they will think twice about quitting just because they are +2 after 2 holes. Something needs to be done. I don't like to spend money in this game for club and ball upgrades to try to improve my gameplay only to have a higher ranking player quit when they have1 or 2 bad holes when I might be playing my best game ever.