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Re: 12/17/09 Product Release

Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:25 AM (91 replies)
  • WGTalex
    2,087 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 10:50 AM

    nivlac: the 24 hour countdown starts when the tournament fills up. We'll look into displaying this info.

    geordieles: to equip your new avatar, you need to go to the Appearance tab of your profile.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 10:55 AM

    Neither will I, Kaslo. I insist on a dark-red shirt & yellow pants.    (And, of course, my avatar should preferably be fat.)

    NIvlac, I don't get that paranoia about "abuse". What abuse? It's only in your imagination. Anyone who possesses a fake double WGT account, can buy any equipment he wants. What's the difference? You can purchase credits via PayPal on this site. I can set up an email address of, connect it to one of my credit cards, and buy any equipment I want, for my illicit double WGT account. No one needs the gifting feature in order to cheat!

    So, what you're saying is chimera. The threat isn't there. We need to be permitted to gift any Master equipment to any Master player, any Pro equipment to any Pro/Master player.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:06 AM

    NIvlac, I don't get that paranoia about "abuse". What abuse? It's only in your imagination.

    If you can't see how that could so easily be abused then you're blind as a bat my friend.

    Let's see, I'm Joe6Pack, I'm a top level sandbagging pro.  I sandbag with the best of them so I manage to shoot good tourney scores and bad ranked rounds to avoid being promoted.  I win a fair bit of money in the process, being a top sandbagging pro and all... so how can I do this more? 

    I got it.  I'll create a second account (Joe12Pack), gift myself all the same pro clubs with the earnings I've won sandbagging the masses and now I'll take two shots at every tournament and sandbag on both accounts.  I won't use my same Credit Card on the second account so I don't get red-flagged.  I'll do this over and over for as many accounts as I need.

    No, no abuse at all.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:06 AM

    It's obvious how it could be manipulated to serve what Nivlac termed 'nefarious interest'.

    Player 1 has been playing awhile, and has many credits in their account.  Player 1 could then create an alias, Player 2, move up the tiers, and then *gift* Player 2 with Master equipment.  Pretty simple application.  Right now, if someone wants to create an alias account and get Master level equipment, they have to buy it again.  Doesn't stop everyone from doing it, but certainly being able to gift Master level equipment can only be seen as facilitating that 'nefarious' end.

    *edit*  Crazy ninja!

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:10 AM

    I didn't even think about what tibbets just said about passing down Master stuff and playing multiple tiers, so there's 2 scenarios for you right off the bat.

    When anything comes out the first thing I think about is "how can this be abused?" because that's what gamers do.  They try to break the system and gain an advantage and no game is glitch-proof, so they eventually find a way.  So yeah, I guess you can call it paranoia if you want, but I'd consider it being proactive.

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:10 AM

    Gee, I don't know why people keep quitting on such a thrilling conversationalist.

    Cut this guy off WGT so we can get back enjoying reading the forums, chatting about new features, and enjoying the site instead of hearing a list of one person's personal complaints over and over again.

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:12 AM

    Ha... was gonna say the exact same thing.... lol

    *edit*  Crazy ninja!

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:17 AM

    Nivlac & Tibbets, none of what you say makes any sense.

    As stated earlier, the only restriction would be, you could only gift Pro equipment to Pro+ players, and Master-level equipment only to Master-level players. (And you can only buy Master equipment if you're a Master yourself.) So the scenario described by Tibbets doesn't exist.

    The scenario described by Nivlac doesn't exist either. You don't need more than 1 credit card to fund as many fake WGT accounts as you wish. PayPal can be associated with any email address and any credit card, but WGT will always only see an anonymous email address. Get it, Nivlac? Gifting doesn't come into play at all.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:18 AM

    The new upgrades are great. Thank you WGT. I really like the "Very fast" greens. they play more true to life now. Before it seemed like I had to hit the ball a little harder, even on the "Fast" setting. The "Standard" setting, I had to really smack the ball to get it to roll, it was like putting on fly paper. The "Very fast" setting could be the standard setting as far as I'm concerned.

    The new "game option" features are great too. It's nice to be able to pivot the avatar, and have more options with flash.

    Good going WGT, the games mechanics seem to be better as well. I don't know if WGT did something to help smooth the swing meter, but I only had one minor glitch/skip in a nine hole round. I have flash set to medium.

    I don't want to forget to mention the new pin locations at Bethpage, not necessarily easier, but a big change nonetheless. The game should be in good shape when all the road map features finally get implemented.  : )

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 11:22 AM

    So the scenario described by Tibbets doesn't exist [and] the scenario described by Nivlac doesn't exist either.

    Except that they do and we both just clearly explained exactly how someone would do it.