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Re: Does wind affect putting?

Fri, Jan 26 2024 1:34 PM (20 replies)
  • samcoffeeman
    57 Posts
    Mon, Jan 23 2012 10:53 AM

    Can someone from WGT verify that wind can affect a putt on the green?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Jan 23 2012 12:06 PM


    it does affect it but ever so lightly. Effect does come into play with longer putts and heavier winds... such as 75fter on sta with 26-30 wind. it may move it as much as 2-3 ft with side wind.


  • ChronicDiarrhea
    547 Posts
    Mon, Jan 23 2012 12:31 PM



    it does affect it but ever so lightly. Effect does come into play with longer putts and heavier winds... such as 75fter on sta with 26-30 wind. it may move it as much as 2-3 ft with side wind.


    Good info Icon!  Is there any effect on a putt with a headwind or tailwind?



  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2012 1:09 AM




    it does affect it but ever so lightly. Effect does come into play with longer putts and heavier winds... such as 75fter on sta with 26-30 wind. it may move it as much as 2-3 ft with side wind.



    Good info Icon!  Is there any effect on a putt with a headwind or tailwind?



    Yes indeed, there is an impact with head and tail winds, especially in the higher winds seen at SA and RSG. At those courses if I have a 15 - 20 mph head- or tail-wind I add or subtract about 5% to total distance. If you have a strong tail wind and a downhill putt, you may want to take off even more!

    The best way to see this in action is do some putting on SA #9; go to WGT COMMUNITY/ GOLF COURSES in the top menu bar and navigate to SA #9 and hit play now. Once on green, ignore the pin hit some putts directly into or away from the wind, using 100% of an appropriate putter scale to keep the ball on green. Since the green is Standard speed, you should get close to scale distance with no wind.


  • mgbirish
    4,019 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 7:57 PM

    Depends on VEM, just saying


  • axstrat
    415 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 8:21 PM

    Thx WGt icon

    ..for the verification. I've asked this very same question since I first played and some say it does ..some say it doesnt.  I always supected it did due to in both cases  missed putt or made putt  when it really shouldnt of gone/ or has missed when should of gone in, with all things being equal


  • Poowanai275
    139 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 8:43 PM

    Effect does come into play with longer putts and heavier winds... such as 75fter on sta with 26-30 wind. it may move it as much as 2-3 ft with side wind.

    never know b4. Thx icon


  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 8:43 PM

    Thanks WGTicon!  Perhaps I could squeeze another drop of secret knowledge...Hmmm?

    St. Andy's, #18.  Can the buildings surrounding the green 'block' a headwind?


    just wunnerin'...


    d.  :)

  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 8:55 PM

    My thoughts exactly......What about the tree heights on those courses we're gonna get. For example, swirling winds on Amen Corner at the Masters. My wishful thinking and sense of humor are conflicting each other again....Hope you don't take this as anything but tounge in cheek, as I have been making more putts inside 10 ft lately. But yeah, what about Oly and those doglegs......Know what I mean?

  • a440lee
    4 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:40 AM

    Did you see the PGA tournament in Hawaii recently?  The winds there were extreme but on a lesser scale, the wind would have an effect on putts.