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Re: Balls in Alternate shot games

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 25 2012 12:16 AM (2 replies)
  • ConfusionMaster
    1,658 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2012 8:18 PM

    I find it weird thatthe ball keeps changing.

    The ball used should be kept the same throughout not dependant of the players bag.


    We should be able to choose whos ball to use at the beginning of the game.

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2012 9:30 PM

    I would choose my partner's Nikes, and never have to pay for balls again. And if he misses a short putt, I'll put my next shot in the nearest lake.

  • MaSeVierBal
    157 Posts
    Wed, Apr 25 2012 12:16 AM


    I would choose my partner's Nikes, and never have to pay for balls again. And if he misses a short putt, I'll put my next shot in the nearest lake.

    ROFL, indeed, that is probably why you play with your OWN balls! :D

