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Re: re so called sportsman

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 28 2010 2:28 PM (5 replies)
  • simmo100
    4 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 2:01 PM

    just a quick note to say how totaly fed up i am of those so called pro"s playing on here who if u beating them  they piss off just before end of game just so their ratings dont change .

    how sad is that .really winds me an a lot of others up.shouldnt be aloud to do it



  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 3:02 PM

    Great post man!  Truly extraordinary!  I had never even considered that quitters might "wind up" simmo 100.  Thats what I love about these forums.....You learn something new every day.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 5:29 PM

    It only matters if you're hyper-competitive and measure your success in life by the ability to score better than someone else in a (semi-flawed) video game.

    But hey.. whatever gets your blood pressure up.

  • Sirbobofdunlop
    4 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 9:26 PM

    I kind of agree (in a way) about the quitters.   But if they want to quit before their last putt, who cares, as long as they play and communicate in a semi-civilized manner.    We're intelligent people who love an intelligent game.....hopefully.  I do wish people would conduct themselves as they (probably)  would out on the links.  It's not likely you'd just walk out of a game and leave your buddys standing there if you should bogie your first putt.   But maybe I'm expecting too much.  After all..  It's just a computer game. 

    LOL, NS, TY,

    See you out there


  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Thu, Mar 25 2010 11:30 AM


    just a quick note to say how totaly fed up i am of those so called pro"s playing on here who if u beating them  they piss off just before end of game just so their ratings dont change .

    how sad is that .really winds me an a lot of others up.shouldnt be aloud to do it



    I was going to invite you to join me anytime for a round since I'm not a quitter. Then I looked at your profile and saw you joined WGT on 19 Mar., 2010. How can you be "totally fed up" in just 2 days?

  • borntobesting
    9,679 Posts
    Sun, Mar 28 2010 2:28 PM



    just a quick note to say how totaly fed up i am of those so called pro"s playing on here who if u beating them  they piss off just before end of game just so their ratings dont change .

    how sad is that .really winds me an a lot of others up.shouldnt be aloud to do it



    I was going to invite you to join me anytime for a round since I'm not a quitter. Then I looked at your profile and saw you joined WGT on 19 Mar., 2010. How can you be "totally fed up" in just 2 days?

    I shouldn't really speculate. But he could be one of the multi-account people that use one account to shall we say practice and another account to beat the quitters. Who knows.