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Country Club XP

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Fri, Sep 27 2024 5:21 AM (4 replies)
  • Juanasteros
    16 Posts
    Thu, Sep 26 2024 4:36 PM

    If I leave my current Country Club, can I take my Club XP with me? (currently 116,000).

  • BlackBogey
    643 Posts
    Thu, Sep 26 2024 6:07 PM

    Your personal XP will always travel with you no matter how many clubs you join/leave.  Anything you contributed to your current club will stay with them.

  • BlackBogey
    643 Posts
    Thu, Sep 26 2024 6:19 PM

    And you SHOULD leave.  It's a dead club - owner hasn't played since 03/2023, and only 9 of 132  members have even played a RR in 2024.

  • Juanasteros
    16 Posts
    Thu, Sep 26 2024 9:32 PM
    Hi BlackBogeyMan,
    Thanks for your reply, and your advice.
    I'm still not entirely sure about the XP. It's listed as 'Club XP' under my name in the Club Members list.
    I've looked around but can't find anything labelled as 'Personal XP', but
    that's no big surprise. It's only very recently I discovered I could use my Coins to buy apparel and buy into matches.
    Anyhoo, I guess I'll find out soon enough as I plan to take your advice and leave Harley Bikers. I hadn't noticed the owner's stats - hopefully nothing serious! I joined the club when I first started on WGT. I was a biker myself back then, Laverdas and Ducatis, but that was long ago.
    I've got just enough coins to start my own Country Club, which I think I might name "Devon Cream - Jam First".
    I retired a couple of years ago, not by choice, Covid wiped out my business, 40 years work down the plughole, and diddly in return.
    So nowadays I've plenty of free time and my real golf game has also gone down the drain due to illness. (My handicap has tripled!)
    Okay, enough with the self pity and misery already.
    I shall look out for your name (should be easy to spot) and maybe we can
    have a knock sometime.
    Thanks again and very best wishes,
    Jonathan (Juanasteros). 
  • BlackBogey
    643 Posts
    Fri, Sep 27 2024 5:21 AM

    Sorry to hear about your business, that's a tough blow.  I won't get started on my thoughts about how the over-reaction to Covid caused more damage than than good or I'd get banned for getting political.

    As to your club XP, you can find it in the game by going to CC, Members, and then find yourself on the list (what you described above).  It will show you how many XP you've contributed to your current club.  These will stay with the club once you leave, but what do you care.

    Your personal XP are what you see if you click on your avatar in the game.  It will show you a progress bar that gives how many you currently have and how many you need to reach level (yours is currently at 287,424 of 298,215 needed for next level).  These are yours to keep and will never go away.

    You are welcome to check out our club, Grand Traditions CC and see if you might like it there.  We do play clash but don't take it serious and no one is required to play if that's not their thing.  Only things we request are you use your free daily CC pass to help club XP and we encourage all members to join our Discord channel (as that's our main method of communication), but again that's not a requirement.  We like discord because of the fun/comradery of voice and streaming capabilities, and you can learn quite a bit by playing with fellow clubmates who are more advanced.