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Re: lets get some more stats going when you click on a player's name in games

Sat, Apr 28 2012 8:43 PM (1 replies)
  • MulliganWilly
    138 Posts
    Sat, Apr 28 2012 5:28 PM

    ok, you're playing a multiplayer game and you click on the other players names.. says stuff like the "level" number and when they joined. Then you got their average and their ranking like pro master etc. So you kinda figure oh they joined last  year but how come they got a low L number.. oh i guess they musn't play too often. It just seems like something's missing with getting a grip on what their deal is. Like i wanna know how many ranked rounds they played and how many total birdies.. then you start to get an idea if these guys are hacks. That L thing doesnt tell it all.. cause sometimes you get these L90's guys who need to grab a life but when you play with them they suck.

  • MulliganWilly
    138 Posts
    Sat, Apr 28 2012 8:43 PM

    yeah.. i wanna see something like a "stats" button like you see on a profile page but in that popup window during a game.. and you can click on the stats button and it'd load up a stats page in that game popup player window. got all that.. u know.. like if you view my page and you click the stats button you'd see this.. make it so we're able to view something like that in the multiplayer game window.. because the L level number and rank and date joined, still dont tell you if they got game.


    Stroke Play Score Average 70.15
    Best 9-Hole Round 31
    Best 18-Hole Round 68
    Total Ranked Rounds Played 252
    Total Holes-In-One 0
    Total Double Eagles 0
    Total Eagles 3
    Total Birdies 426
    Total Pars 1,464
    Total Bogeys 539
    Total Double Bogeys 114
    Total Others 46
    Par 3 Score Avg. 3.10
    Par 4 Score Avg. 4.28
    Par 5 Score Avg. 4.96
    Skill Challenge Avg. Score 192.42