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Re: 5 minute waiting time after creating a game

Mon, Apr 30 2012 8:25 AM (3 replies)
  • MarcelM
    1 Posts
    Sun, Apr 29 2012 1:14 AM



    It would be so nice if there would be a button "Extend waiting time" after creating a game.

    If I'm playing in the morning (my time), not many folks are around, and if I want to get a game going with TM+ or legend+, I (and the other waiting players) get kicked out after 5 minutes.

    I have to re-create the game, and after 3 or 4 tries I can get a game going.

    A simple button where the "owner" of the game could extend this time with an other 5 minutes would really help.

    A timer showing the remaining waiting time would also be needed.

    Thanks so much if this (or anything similar) could be implemented.

    [edit: I am mainly speaking about alternate shot games]


  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:03 PM

    From what I know, it's actually 5 minutes after the first person joins. Though the waiting time does sometimes annoy me since I'll invite a friend and we'll have another friend coming who procrastinates and then takes awhile to join. But I could see where having a 10 minute waiting time would be annoying for WGT and their servers, since it'd mean more open games I guess.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 7:51 AM

    All i seem to do nowerdays is have to wait for a damn game in challenge matches.  I spend more time waiting than i do actually playing.  I thought there was loads and loads of people online playing this game.  it doesn't feel like it in matchplay, its DESERTED (appart from the odd lvl 80 pro's)

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 8:25 AM

    5 minutes is clearly not enough most of the time, especially for alt shot where find the fourth is always the difficult part :) .