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Re: Surveys

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Thu, May 3 2012 10:54 AM (19 replies)
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  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 2:30 PM

    Survey answers are not collected until the survey has been fully completed.

    WGT had to reduce the amount of survey credits that were being paid-out because people were able to fully upgrade their golf bags with the best clubs, for free. I'm not sure if the survey credit reduction will increase pro shop sales, but it will slow down the amount of high-end clubs people are purchasing with survey credits.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 4:38 PM

    Richard, I don't quite follow your reduction logic. The credits aren't paid out until the survey is completed. At that point it becomes an asset on the WGT books as the credit $$$ are owed WGT by the survey company. Unlike a real world inventory, the high end inventory you refer to is virtual. No new raw materials or assembly to pay for. I would hope that WGT is savvy enough to have worked out contracts with Calloway, Nike, Srixon, etc. so that the manufacturers allow WGT to be using their likenesses as advertising the vendors products rather than WGT paying the mfrs licensing fees.

    It may very well be that WGT is not collecting their money in a timely manner from the survey companies. That is one explanation for the reduction as WGT has to cover its loss on those sales it's not getting paid for.

    Another explanation could be that with the increase in people using the survey route to get credits here, the survey companies feel that they can get enough survey takers at a reduced rate and have adjusted the contract with WGT accordingly. Note that the reductions took place at the beginning of a new month and not every single survey reward was reduced. Only those with certain companies.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 7:10 PM


    what about the 450 credits survey dropped down to 200, and it's the same lengthy survey


    I had stopped trying surveys for a while and went back to find the survey payouts have been halved.  Good thing I got over 12,000 credits from these surveys before they cut them. ;)

    Even at half they're not a waste of time IMO. I've yet to reach into my wallet for a single dollar playing on this site. All my equipment and golfs balls have been purchased with survey credits.

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 8:17 PM

    The best way to earn credits is to win tournaments, but having just made Legend, it might be a while before I can do that again


    I disagree....simply because some or maybe alot of us play just for fun. We dont have countless hours to spend on here perfecting our game either. With that said buying them is probably the best way . It would be nice to have the best equipment possible and still suck. And from a word from Forest Gump "And that's all I have to say about that".

  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 4:11 AM

    Yeh they almost halved some of the rewards for taking surveys. Very unlucky for us in sweden who now only have one 100 credit survey we can do like once in 20 tries...

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 5:45 AM

    It may very well be that WGT is not collecting their money in a timely manner from the survey companies.

    WGT pays these survey companies to be on their website. WGT has no way of refunding credits because a survey did not complete properly. However, WGT is gracious enough to make good on the people who didn't receive credits because of a glitch, and can show proof.

    The survey companies are unable to refund credits because of a glitch. I've been there and done that with these survey companies. Only TrialPay is solely responsible for the survey credit payout and is able to refund credits (with proof) that were not paid-out for completing a survey.

    I don't quite follow your reduction logic. The credits aren't paid out until the survey is completed. At that point it becomes an asset on the WGT books as the credit $$ are owed WGT by the survey company.

    There is no correlation between the survey credits that are paid out and WGT's books. Sure, WGT will keep track of pro shop sales, but the survey credits have no bearing on their profit structure. I don't know what you don't understand about my post. People were simply completing surveys and purchasing the best clubs in the pro shop with survey credits as soon as the best clubs became available to them.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 6:15 AM


    Thank you for explaining. That is a different business model than I thought was being followed. Coming from a traditional "mortar and brick" business carrer, I envisioned that WGT was selling advertising to to those companies, not paying them to be here.

    Based on the volume of business being directed to those companies I would hope WGT keeps negotiating with those companies to drive payouts from "WGT pays companies to be here" to "the companies pay WGT to advertise and provide offers here". This site does have millions of potential customers for other businesses.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 7:44 AM

    I envisioned that WGT was selling advertising to to those companies, not paying them to be here.

    Correct. The advertisers are paying WGT to advertise on this website with almost five million members. Much like Myspace and Facebook. Companies love this exposure.

    The surveys and their payouts are a service for the members of and is a whole different animal altogether. I imagine WGT may have been forced in some capacity to put the surveys in place.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 8:38 AM

    Given the number of survey providers available here, I wonder if WGT could take advantage of the competition angle and only offer a limited number of slots for survey companies. Let the survey companies bid for the slots. WGT would no longer pay for them to be here; they would pay WGT to be here. Similar to the slotting fees that grocery stores charge to put a new item on the shelf.

    The bottom line: I don't have a problem with the current reduced rewards since it is still my choice whether or not the credits rewarded are worth the time and effort. WGT has no obligation to provide an avenue for obtaining credits when the player hasn't shelled out the cash in the first place. If it impacts the bottom lines of WGT and the survey providers enough they will react and change things. The money that flows in is the key that will change things, not ranting and raving on forums.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 10:54 AM

    I agree Srellim.

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