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Thu, May 3 2012 10:54 AM (19 replies)
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  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 5:20 AM

    What is up with these surveys that offer 145 credits or so then after you have wasted 30 minutes doing one you get partial credits or none at all. Huge waste of time which in essence is a waste of money. I know they are 3rd party surveys but come on really?

    I am sure there is another thread in here about this but to me you should earn credits when you play as well, especially needing huge amounts of credits to get equipment. 


    How about sponsorship where equipment is free for tournament directors , long time players etc etc...... Just saying!

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 10:38 AM

    I agree that some of the survey companies are taking advantage, getting too much info before disqualification. It's important to keep track of who they are and just not keep "chasing the rainbow" by trying to click on their links and use them. If the survey company loses enough business they'll figure out a way to clean up their act.

    As for the free merchandise you suggest, I don't see where that helps WGT stay in business if they just offer it to everyone who meets the standard of director or long time player. Somehow it has to be based as a reward for  the amount of money that person actually brings to WGT.

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 12:27 PM

    As for the free merchandise you suggest, I don't see where that helps WGT stay in business if they just offer it to everyone who meets the standard of director or long time player. Somehow it has to be based as a reward for  the amount of money that person actually brings to WGT.


    Yes but the equipment is not real so they would lose a little. I am not saying give everything for free but actually do sponsorships of players by offering them a way to use wgt on their website in return for a sponsorship. All I know is I am never ever wasting my time on another survey or the so called "Free" offers.

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 1:40 PM

    I just did a brand survey that was supposed to pay 175 credits under the Take Surveys tab, but got zilch.  I spent 20 minutes giving detailed information on my smoking habits.

    Clicked the Help link, and was at least able to let it be known that I thought I had earned the credits.  If I get nothing, that will be the last time I even click on the Take Surveys tab.

  • dryspot
    774 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 1:41 PM

    i have done a few survey's but most of the time i get disqualified because

    they ask a specific question and you have to guess what it is and if you dont get

    it right they disqualify you big waste of time there should be a better way to earn credits.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 1:53 PM

    what about the 450 credits survey dropped down to 200, and it's the same lengthy survey

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 2:06 PM


    1. If you are guessing at an answer you deserve to be disqualified. The survey companies are looking for a particular demographic of honest people. Even if you are honest all the way down the line you will probably get disqualified 90% of the time. Every survey, every day is looking for a totally different set of people for answers depending upon who is sponsoring that particular survey and what they are trying to find out.

    Also, Surveys are rarely national or worldwide in their scope. For example, today's survey may be Walgreens trying to find out where Latinos in Miami buy their toothpaste. The next survey may be Verizon Wireless trying to find out how many black police officers in California play Angry Birds on their cell phones.  Both companies hired the same survey company to conduct the survey. Odds are pretty good that the average person on WGT (or anywhere, for that matter) is not going to qualify for or complete either one.

    2. There is a better way to earn credits. Buy them.

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 2:09 PM

    Just checked my e-mail, and haven't even gotten an auto-response so far (checked the Spam, too.)

    Did have an e-mail from HTC Hub, which I joined through Tolune, in an unrewarded effort to get credits, even though I quit it after I got screwed.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 2:13 PM


    Likewise, I'm disappointed in the credit drop at Ampario but apparently they think they can get enough qualified survey takers at the lower reward offering. Or maybe they are finding out that WGT survey takers aren't very reliable when it comes to answering things honestly. They may have figured out that too many are giving dishonest answers trying to guess what group the survey is seeking. The drop in reward credits might be their way of trying to discourage the cheaters who will lie in order to get "free" credits.

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 2:14 PM


    2. There is a better way to earn credits. Buy them.

    That's not near as good as the 2500 credits I once got for a free Angie's List membership.  (They were trying to build up membership in my area.)  I don't mind getting their e-mails.

    The best way to earn credits is to win tournaments, but having just made Legend, it might be a while before I can do that again.

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