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rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 5 2010 2:00 PM (15 replies)
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  • bigbilldoh
    15 Posts
    Sat, Apr 3 2010 12:57 AM

    when one can figure out the goofy swing meter, they'll have the opurtunity, to post the lowest scores, period. I'm talkin bought usein house sticks, and balls, too!


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Apr 3 2010 10:28 AM

    I can tell you who our greatest female WGT golfer is, that would be ncviz. 

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Apr 4 2010 12:13 AM

    The envelope please ....

  • salamii
    1,058 Posts
    Mon, Apr 5 2010 12:17 PM

    In my humble opinion, I believe this list will define the greatest.

    #1 Obvious choice.


    #2  Will be the 1st WGT player to sign a contract with EA Sports after making a mockery of this game.   WGT Online Golf Sim.  BolloxInBruges ver 1.01.


    #'s 3-45

            Everyone on my friends list, including myself of course. By far, The Best of the Best, regardless of Avg.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,550 Posts
    Mon, Apr 5 2010 1:31 PM
    I have to go with the now gone Tibbets as the best player with AvatarLee coming in a close second. For the nicest on the site who is always ready to help or put her two cents in (whether asked or not) you have to go with SweetiePie.
  • salamii
    1,058 Posts
    Mon, Apr 5 2010 2:00 PM


    There are some great players here that don't hold the highest records. Tibetts was obviously the top when he was here, hence Snaike's question but holding records doesn't make you great. Witness the current best golfer around and the character he's exhibited. 

    There's a lot more to "great" than shooting records.

    I totally agree Jim, this is why AvLee is my choice for #1


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