my biggest problem is mid 90 level tour masters,masters and tour pros.....they take advantage of the system that WGT has set up...why would you tier up to Legend...You get the same clubs, same balls..but you get a Yardage advantage on every course...No one else see's a problem with this?......all clubs Level 80 and higher should be for Legend players only.....then you give an incentive to lower tiered players to advance to legend....I understand there's legend only ready -go's I like this...but when you play Country club vs Country club and your matched up against level 94 tour master who's been playing since 2009...thats a not going to Throw anyone under the bus here....but theres a ton of tour masters, masters and even tour pros that are above level 90..If a crappy player like myself can make legend by level 89..there's no excuse's for level 95 tour pros...I guess you'll wait until the Legends start walking away from WGT until you address this problem.....Greg