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New Wedge

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Thu, May 31 2012 12:35 PM (11 replies)
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  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 9:01 AM

    I see really no difference between them and the Clevelands except for 3.00 bucks more...Oh wait lil slower meter....I guess like the G 20 you are introducing new clubs for the sand baggers who are not talented enough to use the faster meters....Want to make this game Funner do something about the HIGH level Tour Pro's, Masters, and Tour Master....they all ready get a break on yardage on every course...Plus they have the same clubs as the legends.......How the game is formatted now the High Level sandbaggers have all the advantage's true players have none....and i dont want to hear im trying to make Legend Crap....It's not that hard...I have played here for over 2 Years and when you went to this Level crap the game has went to crap....Make some clubs Legend Only This will cause the sand baggers to level up if they like or not...Not a Hard Fix..I KNOW IM NOT THE ONLY LEGEND THAT FEELS THIS WAY...may be all the legends should take a week off and hurt your pocket book...maybe then you'll fix this problem.....Greg

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 9:46 AM

    .Make some clubs Legend Only This will cause the sand baggers to level up if they like or not

     A simpler way to deal with it would have the tee and conditions automatically default to the higher tiered player in mixed play. This way you don't have issues with "if it's for sale and I have the credits I should be able to buy it" argument.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 9:50 AM

     A simpler way to deal with it would have the tee and conditions automatically default to the higher tiered player in mixed play. This way you don't have issues with "if it's for sale and I have the credits I should be able to buy it" argument

    Good idea, but what about the players that don't have the higher level equipment.  


    What about tee and conditions based on Level, not tier?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 9:54 AM

    Good idea, but what about the players that don't have the higher level equipment.

    Tough noogies, this would be for rounds where credits are involved.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 9:57 AM


    Good idea, but what about the players that don't have the higher level equipment.

    Tough noogies. Set up a practice round if you want to stagger tees.

    Tough noogies, lol.   Since I already have the gear, I say go for it.  ;-)

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 9:57 AM


    I see really no difference between them and the Clevelands except for 3.00 bucks more...Oh wait lil slower meter....I guess like the G 20 you are introducing new clubs for the sand baggers who are not talented enough to use the faster meters....Want to make this game Funner do something about the HIGH level Tour Pro's, Masters, and Tour Master....they all ready get a break on yardage on every course...Plus they have the same clubs as the legends.......How the game is formatted now the High Level sandbaggers have all the advantage's true players have none....and i dont want to hear im trying to make Legend Crap....It's not that hard...I have played here for over 2 Years and when you went to this Level crap the game has went to crap....Make some clubs Legend Only This will cause the sand baggers to level up if they like or not...Not a Hard Fix..I KNOW IM NOT THE ONLY LEGEND THAT FEELS THIS WAY...may be all the legends should take a week off and hurt your pocket book...maybe then you'll fix this problem.....Greg

    Didnt you not have those same advantages as you went through the ranks?

    Give us TP's some credit . There are some of us that actually dont sandbag and gain levels and Tiers putting in the same hard work you did if not more. I have not bought any credits with cash so I have to wait on getting those better clubs.

    If I am putting in the time and work why should I not be able to have the same advantage every other Legend had when they were coming up through the ranks?

    Now for those who actually do take advantage ...That's WGT 's fault for enabling those loop holes. Its not really cheating if it is an option.

    At least thats what I was told about people who start their round bad then click menu then click restart. To me that's not fair. People do it to save their precious average to get to Legend status and thats not really putting in the hard work that others do by not restarting because they fudged up on the front 9 or whatever.

    So see its a no win situation and WGT is doing the best they can by providing a very fun Golf Sim for people to enjoy the way they choose to .


  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 10:07 AM

    I'm not a fan of OP's idea. I'm still a Pro(75.7 average with all starter clubs and slowly going down) and I've been saving up for the top clubs foreeeeeverrrrr. I'm not about to go buy some mid-level clubs just so i can get high enough tier to buy the high ones. That'd be even more time and $$


    The new clubs have a little less distance than the cleveland's, and slightly less spin and precision, but have more forgiveness and slower meter, so easier to use, more like the starter clubs. I don't know which I'd get @_@ I guess at this point I'm just waiting to see any other new clubs that come out... seems like the only club I'm still set on getting is the Nike putter when I hit level 77

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 10:16 AM

    Didnt you not have those same advantages as you went through the ranks?

    Not like it is now.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 10:16 AM



    If I am putting in the time and work why should I not be able to have the same advantage every other Legend had when they were coming up through the ranks?




    I'll have to correct you there, When most of the Legends came up through the ranks, the clubs were tier specific. So you could only upgrade when you moved up.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 10:17 AM


    I see really no difference between them and the Clevelands except for 3.00 bucks more...Oh wait lil slower meter....I guess like the G 20 you are introducing new clubs for the sand baggers who are not talented enough to use the faster meters....Want to make this game Funner do something about the HIGH level Tour Pro's, Masters, and Tour Master....they all ready get a break on yardage on every course...Plus they have the same clubs as the legends.......How the game is formatted now the High Level sandbaggers have all the advantage's true players have none....and i dont want to hear im trying to make Legend Crap....It's not that hard...I have played here for over 2 Years and when you went to this Level crap the game has went to crap....Make some clubs Legend Only This will cause the sand baggers to level up if they like or not...Not a Hard Fix..I KNOW IM NOT THE ONLY LEGEND THAT FEELS THIS WAY...may be all the legends should take a week off and hurt your pocket book...maybe then you'll fix this problem.....Greg

    I disagree.

    After a long day, I am nowhere near a ding. I love my wedges will be using these. Slower wedges is something we have been looking to add for a long time. 

    I used raptures for the longest time just because of the meter speed, so this is a great addition in my view:)

    And, yes, they go very well together with g20's but also we worked hard to make yardages work with many other irons we have :)


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