On the subject of masters, matchplay stats need to be added to masters to change them from master to tour master or even legend especially who have 7 to 1 win ratio against legends, 12 to 2 against tour masters, and even higher against their own tier, yet have only a few ranked rounds to their name, and these are pretty "average". Many masters are actually legends in disguise, playing from easy short tees, and taking advantage just to win credits. If you have higher win ratio than losses against legends, surely you are good enough to play from same tees! So why cant WGT if the stats show this bump them up to tour masters or even legends, i know you cant check every one, but if some one sends you proof, then surely it can be looked into, especially if that person clearly avoids ranked rounds yet beats legends & tour masters 4 or 5 times as much as he ever loses.