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Thu, Jun 14 2012 2:55 PM (7 replies)
    1,267 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 9:14 AM

    I spoke to WGT a few times on this in the last few years .

    Why is the club limit 250 and not more ?

     Anyone that belongs to a club and post games for it knows it is best to teach new players within a club. The games can be made easy so they can learn at their own speed.

     My club is at the limit and has no AMT /HACKS in it but I would take in the 40 players I had to turn away these last few weeks because of this limit .

    This is a no brainer for WGT .

     Players who dont get the chance to learn the game within a club will give up the game and for the owners who refuse a new player, they dont know what they are turning down or what could be. with a little help !

     Lets move the limit up to 500 and I will bring in new players and help them learn the game and keep interest in it..In the end spend money on this free game ! lol.

     I know most owners like to keep their clubs small at a base of 100 or smaller for their own reasons and I can see why ,But why not take in more members as stand by to fill in for the active members that leave ?

     I have never received this many club request in that last few years combined as a club owner and I hate to turn them all down if I dont have too !

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 9:57 AM

    Different clubs work in different ways but you'll very rarely find one which is at full capacity (250 players) and has every player being active on a daily basis. Whilst your club clearly is very active, if you go to the bottom of the "date last played", you can see that probably 40-50 of your club members haven't even been on the site in the last 3-6 months. Wouldn't it make more sense to let these players go and then bring in fresh blood on a regular basis?

    I'd argue that the main purpose of a CC is to create your own community of like minded individuals who want to compete together and social with each other. If those players aren't even on the site, then they can't do much of either....

    1,267 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 10:36 AM

    Im sorry JIMBEAN 346 . 3 to 6 months is nothing to someone that has real life to deal with also, and I have seen inactive members return and become very active after a year.

    I agree with you that all clubs must  run by the owners standards of that club and obey the insane rules put apon them to remain a member .

    Many clubs dont get to the 250 RANGE because of these thoughts and many club owners give up because they cant understand that members dont want to play everyday in a cyber game and need to live a real life also .

    As far as fresh blood goes , Where are you going to find it, if we dont help it grow !

     No owner I know of. is going to accept a Level 1 hack into his/her club .... but I will give you the chance to prove me wrong !

    My club had 189 active members in JULY  alone out of 250 and most of these members would have been kicked out of clubs like yours for not playing everyday . This why clubs fail and owners fail for not taken the time in their members needs over their own .   

    1,267 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 12:17 PM
    I did take a look at your club JIMBEAN and am impessed at the 47 members you have in it but, how did they get to that point, and who helped them if anyway get to that point .Someone with a heart must have helped in someway ,Dont you think ? All I am asking is to have the clubs membership increased up to 500 so we can see more Legends join your club and others but we just need to give them a chance to learn the game 1st so they can move on !
  • liam91
    3,130 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 4:47 PM

    The CC i belong to has 249 members,of these there are about 80 hardcore players (play 3-4 times a week some more than that )another 100 play once a week maybe.Our owner is continually removing people who don't participate much,by this i mean the people in the club who don't play in the CC comps for 3 months or so.

    The reason for this is "why join a CC if you don't contribute anything to it".

    I joined as a pro and the better players there taught me enough to take me to Legend in 6 months. They couldn't have done this if the club was clogged up with people who don't join in ,it would just stagnate.

    I play a lot of the other members using skype the banter is great and people can pass on tips and advice much easier.

    I take your point that some people only want to play in bursts every 3-6 months ,that's their choice. you don't need to be in a CC to have a friends list.

    The people who want to improve need to play against better/more experienced players as you said a CC is the best place to do this,it also gives the higher tiered players a chance to repay the kindness and help they recieved on the way up the ladder.

    A larger CC (500)would just have more people doing nothing...why?

      A good CC where people can learn the game ,have a laugh and get to know other like-minded people needs to be active to thrive.

    The more active players you have in a club ,the more people you have to teach and advise the people who want to progress .

    From a pro who was helped by the clubs TM's and Legends, i'm now a legend who tries to help the pro's/tour pro's etc....i learnt an important lesson from the better players and now it's my turn to help. i couldn't do that in a CC full of people who take no part and keep out players who want to learn this great game.

    whilst i respect your veiw i think bigger clubs wouldn't help


    1,267 Posts
    Wed, Jun 13 2012 2:16 PM

    Thank you LIAM91

     I can see that we agree on many things on past and future of clubs and how they help members learn to help other members .

    I fight with my own members with this so I am used to it, and most of my key members would like a smaller base and remove members that dont play within 3months time like your owner and many others do, I see that point of view and I do respect the owners that need to do that .

    My point is this . If you have a base of number of players. 80 out of 100 isnt that enough to gives you the 20 spots open to remove members and add to it as needed .If you have a base of 80 out of 250 you then have 170 open spots to play with or train new players .

    HACKS /AMT/ PRO  benefit from being a part of a country club more than most upper tiers and I agree that many are a waste of space and time for an owner but with the right  training and games posted they can be the next Legends to be .

    I believe a club owner has the option to open a club with these options 10- 50-100-250  members and all I am asking for is a 5th option added of 500 so I can add members that other clubs would not ,and give them the chance that others gave you .

    Thank you ,Liam

    1,267 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 2:55 PM

    Thank you ESSAY.

    I cant explain the recent new flow of club request in the last few months and WGT does not see what we see, or understand it ! Or want to help club owners that want to help over the others that want to take !......Sorry, did I say that out loud .lol

    Give good owners a chance to bring new members in and teach them the game the right way and they can start their own club someday and teach others what they have been taught ..

    Like i said it is a no brainer for Wgt  to support club owners that want more players to get involved in this game than to shut them out because of thier own clubs rules made to fit their own needs over their own members and us all in the end .