The Green Regulators- TGR
Are you looking for an active friendly member orientated club to play WGT your way? Perhaps make friends and socialise? A club that actually cares about you as a person?
TGR might be your new club! Why not drop in, have a chinwag and see if it suits both you and us?
We are a stable level 19 club in top 33 of all clubs, have approximately 200 valued members who play regularly whether it be in Turf wars, Clash tournaments, in house CC tournaments, ALT shot games or WGT tournaments and showdowns. We are a club that welcomes fun loving people who want to play WGT their way with no obligation to compete in clash or turf.
If you do choose to play turf wars we actively try to win and in clash we do compete actively (top 20) in these tournaments and gift members passes to play.
Members almost daily create CC tournaments for members to play just to keep it fun and alive.
We also have members who play ALT Shot games and have a weekly catch up for some fun and laughs. You may have met a couple of our colourful characters around WGT in Blasphemous and Danger Muppet. Well worth the laughs just to join in. Games can also be streamed through discord if you just want a laugh without playing!
We are a club that supports its members with game development, and also with real life events as we all have lives and struggles outside of WGT. Members are like family and that’s the atmosphere we want. It’s up to you if you choose to share. We highly value respect for other members.
TGR has a very active discord channel where members communicate game tips, strategies, just chat, share life events or pictures and music, and organise games between members. While it’s not mandatory to join discord (as we have an active club chat) it is a great way to socialise, strategise and coordinate events like clash or Turf.
If this sounds like your new home, you can either search the club and request to join or contact me, Steve through this post, or through discord username stemoy83(Steve)#9132.
We look forward to hearing from you!