The Peoples Club are looking for a fellow club to take on in a matchplay next week, we have approx 20 members ranging from Legend to master who will be available.
Mike (owner)
hey mike contact sheephunter of the Friends and Fun Only CC we are interested
Will do, thank u
absolutely i'll send a friend request and we can work out the details through personal message...
thanks, sheephunter
Any more clubs up for this? Got plenty of members showing interest so would like to get a game started asap.
hi BG
I'LL ask mantis0014 from south east skins,should be up for it,sounds a blast.
Thanks pdx, appreciate it. We're ready to go.
Looks fun!
Goodluck to all Clubs and players involved.
Bigmuggsy: Hi The Peoples Club are looking for a fellow club to take on in a matchplay next week, we have approx 20 members ranging from Legend to master who will be available. Thanks Mike (owner)
Hi Mike
just cleared it with the boss,we can hopefully field about 8 if that's any good.let me know when you can and see if we can get the ball rolling.
cheers m8
Hello Rob
Send me over your list including tiers and I'll pair ours up, and send back over to you.