I think it all boils down to who are the gamers and who are the golfers looking to get their golf fix in.
Me, only time I ever quit was when I was in a race to make Legend, but then those were only single player games.
Never quit on purpose during multi player games, many of technical issues causing disconnects, but never quit due to bad shots. For me the most fun can come from trying to salvage a decent score after some bad shot(s).
Build up a friends list of players you get along with/have fun playing with and only play with them. Occasionally, when I have no friends available, I will play with some randoms and expect a few quitters but don't let it get to me; usually one other will stick it out and we just laugh at the ones who gave up. Met plenty of my good wgt friends that way.
As a Legend, I will play with any tier, the problem I find is that when lower tiered players find out they are playing on Legend greens with legend winds they usually give up. I say play with the legends through thick and thin and ask any game questions you might have, most of us Legends are happy to give tips along the way.