I have been getting nothing but bogey after bogey, because wind speed and direction isn't accurate and it's costing me good rounds.
When I have 120 yards left to a hole with a 20 mph wind blowing in my face and hit a 9 iron, theres no way in hell the ball should be flying 20 yards over the hole, when I didn't even nail the middle of the meter!
I've also noticed on putts that the red for downhill and blue for uphill has been off too.
The game just isn't any fun anymore because everything has been so off I don't know how to play a particular shot anymore. You're supposed to be able to get better from familiarity playing round after round, but this has been ridiculous.
And what the hell is up with the ball hitting the damned flagstick? In all my years of watching PGA golf, I can't remember ever seeing a ball bounce off a flagstick and roll 20 ft for a miss. Balls always seem to drop for the pros with the flagstick in.