Now I may not have the number of posts that some do on this board, but I read most of the posts and try to stay out of the fray that often results, so take that into account...
There seems to have been a lot of discussion lately regarding moderation of the forums and the repetitive nature of posts about "locked courses" or a driving range, etc...In my opinion, rather than having icon reply to these publicly or have other members/WGT staff waste time replying to them, it might be better to have 1 WGT staff member (icon or someone else) moderate all new posts to the forums, no matter how many posts someone has. This way, repetitive topics can be nipped in the bud and explained to the OP rather than going out to the forums and leading to conflict. Other topics that seem worthwhile to discuss as a whole could go out as usual and be there for friendly (I hope) debate. Just my 2 cents....
While I'm at it, a question I haven't seen asked anywhere else:
Are the new pins on Kiawah being used on the "best of" courses?...I haven't encountered them there yet.