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Re: you win WTG im quitting

rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 8 2012 7:53 PM (22 replies)
  • lbcgolf
    314 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 12:38 PM


    Eloquently put TarheelsRule and 100% on the money.

    People outside the US won't get this but it occurs to me that a Blue Devil would rather dunk his head in a vat of boiling hot water than type what alanti did above, lol.

    Anyhoo, back to your regularly scheduled programming....

  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 1:19 PM



    Eloquently put TarheelsRule and 100% on the money.


    People outside the US won't get this but it occurs to me that a Blue Devil would rather dunk his head in a vat of boiling hot water than type what alanti did above, lol.

    Anyhoo, back to your regularly scheduled programming....

    Blue Devils and maybe even a Wolf Pack as well. 

  • butzz
    10 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 7:53 PM

     OK I bit the bullet

    I spent $50 bucks and bought the dam ping G20 club set and the max balls ....

    wow what a difference dropped 10 strokes off my 9 hole round. Having all my6 clubs with the same meter speed really helps. I still think chipping and pitching are not right had one yesterday that I hit 85% on the meter go 2 yds that just ain't possible in 50% lie.... I do enjoy playing and I play a lot at least 18 holes a day. My 16yr old son was amazed I spent $$ I told him he spent 50 on halo game that he solved in 6hrs ill use the clubs for a few months... yes I know most of my prob was me but not all of it the meter disappearing when you release the mouse before you click isn't me.... to all I was frustrated and upset im going to stay and play a wile so look me up im about to break par in 9 holes wahooooo..